Source Racer was started development on in early January 2005 by its past leader Stefan. It had a few great releases which fired up a fairly big community. After febuary updates slowed down and came to a full stop. Support for the mod was stopped and no one heard anything from Stefan. After a few months the community became bored of the standard release which they had been playing for around 4 months. I decided to contact Stefan to see what was going on with the mod. He explained how he didn't have time to continue development on the mod. I had a few weeks to think about it but i finally decided that i wanted to extend Source Racer's life. I contacted Stefan asking if i could continue on with the mod. After a long discussion he decided to let me continue where he left off with Source Karts. He gave me the source code and i began coding into the mod. For those who don't know what Source Racer is. It is an arcade style, comeptetive and fun racing mod for Half-Life 2. Which...

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