SotSS is a 4x/RTS mod based on the Universe of Freelancer/Starlancer

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active pirate factions (Games : Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion : Mods : Sins of the Sirius Sector : Forum : Suggestions : active pirate factions) Locked
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Aug 29 2015 Anchor

Well i guess someone should start something, probably my first thread here on moddb haha..

To begin first off wintercross thank you for your hard work on this mod and what we have so far is really great! been a freelancer fan since the demo came out all those years ago and not stopped playing since well sp anyway mp goes through stages..

i dont know if you have something planned for something like my idea but thought i'd mention it anyway, basically whilest playing my tweaked vanilla sins i thought it would be cool to try make pirates and militia do more so i tried figuring out multiple ways and implementing them until i found a way kind of, Abilities! of corse normally i stay away from these as quite frankly im a noob when it comes to sins modding but delved on in anyway, started with a copy of explore with autocast set true and only used when out of combat to simulate attacks/patrols and set it on copies of ships, which i added to planet templates and tried the game what i found shocked me(as i said noob) the militia and pirates set out to "explore" until they found enemies where they would engage and then carry about there business if they won, but the interesting thing is that all the militia factions will fight eachother, but the excitement ended 10mins later when they were all dead so i set up a basic spawn of a couple of ships as reinforcements/invasion forces on militia/pirate scouts and went on from there until they were colonising, building structures, ships, and going on, all ability/buff driven and i had a live universe full of battles actual dangers for my trade ships and so on until i thought of your mod and pirates..

so heres the idea finally sorry for the text wall..

at pirate bases and some other "militia" locations there could be a pirate gang leader who now and again calls in a few fighters which will then proceed to patrol sirius? maybe have it cost credits so when they destroy assets/tradeships etc they can afford more showing the gangs growth making players want to hunt down militia/pirates rather than leaving them in that pointless asteroid belt as a buffer. also will bring that sense of the assasinate missions into sins. outcasts fighting corsairs fighting rogues as you just entered that system you thought cleared with your colony ship *boom*

secondly pirate freighters as boarding ships for an extra challenge only target gunboats and cruisers and activate the autoexplore ability from earlier so they return the favor.

just an idea and i hope it helps, if you need anymore theres loads i come up with in my head even write the good ones down sometimes..

sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes but its 04:51 and im nodding off, cheers again wintercross


Aug 30 2015 Anchor

I've actually been thinking along the same lines to be honest!

Obviously the pirate/militia groups aren't very developed at the moment, but I would like to implement something like this for them at a later date to make them a little more active.

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