Resourceful Protagonist is a mod all about being smart and thinking before acting, you play as a regular citizen in a non-named city under combine control however things are about to take a turn for the worse and obviously you have to get out of dodge. The aim of the mod is to make an enjoyable experience that challenges me as a level designer to push myself to the edges of my experience and beyond!

Dysprogue says

5/10 - Agree Disagree

This mod is decent. The goal seems to have been to make a less linear set of levels as in the levels are linear but there are a whole bunch of areas that are available to explore but almost all of these are dead ends and generally it is not particularly rewarding to explore them. It feels like the author ran out of ideas for these areas as they did seem to be quite formulaic. It just feels like it's spread quite thin.

Still, it's cool that the author tried to do something different, the lack of health makes encounters quite tense although some auto saves need to be changed so that they don't reload to a point one second before the player gets their head blown off by a shotgun.

In this release the mod is distinctly OK I think if the authors put some more work into story in order to add context and better rewards for exploring side areas it could be good.