Resourceful Protagonist is a mod all about being smart and thinking before acting, you play as a regular citizen in a non-named city under combine control however things are about to take a turn for the worse and obviously you have to get out of dodge. The aim of the mod is to make an enjoyable experience that challenges me as a level designer to push myself to the edges of my experience and beyond!

Ghostdoge says

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6/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

Resourceful Protagonist is a decent mod that has exploration as one of its aims. The level design is simple but effective and I like that they used some custom animation for the weapons. The use of exploration is used well as the player is able to go off track to find some more ammo and weapons and occasionally the odd hazard. I also enjoyed exploring the forest at the end.

However, I feel the mod was too short and an example of this is how quickly you can finish the 3rd map. I also feel that some of the level design could have been thought out better to provide more of a feel and background to the city as well as further enhance exploration, an example could be the player finding a secret route that lets them bypass a level.

The hazards you face when you explore weren't very challenging and it was something I could easily deal with.

I think it would be good if more levels are added to the mod and the design is partially rethought so exploration is more interesting to do and each level provides more length. I would also like to see some more fights with the combine added in and the story told slightly better. Perhaps some levels could take place during the day?

All in all, this is a decent mod that still has room for improvement. I hope to see if more is added in a Public Release 2 as the mod is currently on the right track.