The Rabid Imp and Rabid Pinky mashed into one mod. Hey, they use the same footstep sound and they're both mostly derivatives of Doom 64. Credit goes to Kaiser for converting Doom 64 for PC, Footman for converting the conversion for GZDoom, and SgtMarkIV for making BD64 and BD, which served as the base for these guys, including the Imp's jumping attack, the smoke for the fireballs, the Imp and Pinky's shadow the Imp's faster walk, the brightmaps and the gibhealth. 0xCobalt for Psychophobia, where I got the newer, more devastating fireball, though the flaming sound effect added to it was provided by TheKins. TheZombieKiller for footstep sounds. Use this mod as a base or on its own for any purpose whatsoever. Have fun.


