Quake HD Pack supports Quake, MP1: "Scourge of Armagon" and MP2: "Dissolution of Eternity". It contains compilation of works by quakeone community and allows you to setup Ultimate Quake High Definition Experience ™ ;)

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 37)

Easy as breathing. Just copy and paste two original files from your Quake CD into a given folder, run the vispatcher. After that just copy and paste these two files in another given folder and you are done and ready to play.

I personally hate it when I have to read several instructions of how to get amod running. Not with this mod - its like plug and play.


It is one of the best graphics quality ever seen on a Quake Mod.
Especially the new shadow effects are bringing a whole new gameplay into this game. You also get mirror effects, an awsome looking water shader, HDR, Bloom, AA, vsync, great looking textures and Monsters. I can not give you the full list of changes, but they are all fitting
together and you get the best looking Quake you have ever played - promise! There is also a ton of graphic and effect settings you can change. But I personally recommend to leave it on how the Mod creator gave it to your hand as the settings are often not very self-explanatory.

There is only one thing thats bad with the new graphic: If you look at water (even through walls) the frames are dropping to the bottom. BUT: You can disable the new water shader effects by simply typing in a console command.

Control System:

You can change your Mouse Sensitivity, Key bindings and so on.
I personally have tried several Quake 1 Mods and there was only one thing that was like a pain in the *** for me and make me quit most of these mods: the mouse-feeling. If you do not get a smooth and fast responding mouse input you can forget the mod, doesnt´t matter how good the mod is looking. This mod brings an awesome control-feeling to your mouse. It is fast, accurate.


This mod brings you the best Shooter back to your harddrive with a damn good looking High Resolution Texture Pack combined with lots of possible graphic settings and a perfect control system gives this mod a 10 out of 10 points.


One word: EPIC :) must-have for quake 1 fans


Great project.


Removes all the charm of the game and replaces it with crispy, synthetic looking textures.


A great way to play Quake in more modern times.

I must be stupid because I don't understand the "easy to follow" guide at all. :P


It really gives a new breath of air to this game. Excellent mod and easy to install.


best quality texture and all


It's beautiful :)


Absolutely beautiful