Portal: The Second Slice is a mod that aims to remake concepts from the lost “core hub” era/version of portal 2 in portal 1 and extending on them.

RSS Articles

Development Log #44 (Prehub revamp)


thesecondslicelogowhite t lagrev



KillerGamerBoi made the prehub look better (more like the concept art) and its brighter:


Test chamber 01


Test chamber 06


Test chamber 04


Test chamber 05

thats all for the prehub revamp and I've not anything else to show.

the portal 2 version you can watch on the video version:

Devlog 44

Updated portal gun and portals!


Hello everyone,

I recently updated the portal gun with new effects, sounds, and more

here are a few images

Portals and sprites

These bright portals were in the portal 2 beta trailers and tech-demos and are now implemented into this mod

Normal map reflections

The normal map:

There are images in game, but you can watch the video on YouTube.

Here is the video on this update: Update Video

that's all I have for today!

Devlog 38 (Article from) (New news, future plans)


Hello everyone!

I'm now on vacation while writing this, so I have not much to say. (and hopefully I get my computer back so that I can work on the mod.)

The Glados room is getting a massive overhaul. The original version of the glados wakeup scene map was made from scratch. The new version is using a decompiled version of the portal 1 glados room map.

And it's looking more like the original screenshot from an older version of portal 2:

corehub (non-mod)

  • Core hub screenshot (NOT FROM THE MOD)

Unfortunately, I can't share any new images of the new recreated glados room wake-up scene (because I don't have my computer).

I am back


Hello again, I'm back! Now updating here on moddb.

That's all! I have been making this mod for a year, and now I am back, the mod has changed so much and yes it's MUCH better