No More Room in Hell the long awaited Source zombie modification.

Echonian says

9/10 - Agree (23) Disagree (17)

This is a great mod, for a couple of reasons.

First and foremost, the mod does immersion far better than any other FULL zombie game I've ever played, let alone mod. Zombies are too numerous to kill, ammunition is scarce, and darkness is everywhere. It makes the entire gameplay experience enjoyable beyond what I ever had in Left 4 Dead.

The second reason is that teamwork is a lot more involved than in other games/mods. You can only chat with others through voice if they are nearby (it fades with distance), or if you have walkie-talkies to communicate through. Ammunition often has to be shared, and multiple people searching for supplies is actually USEFUL.

The mod is somewhat buggy at the moment, but the bugs themselves don't directly impact gameplay most of the time. Bugs are to be expected with such a recent mod, one which is still heavily in development. My complaints in gameplay are the lack of variety, but a mode much more focused on mowing down zombies rather than going through levels in development sounds awesome. Should be a good change of pace.