The Mission Failed Statistics Downloadsize: 12.3MB Size on Disk: 34.4MB System Required: Halflife New Textures: Yes New Weapons: No New Monsters: Yes and no. There are no new *.mdl-files, but I created some turrets which act like monsters... Maps: 14 Creation Time: ~10 Weeks Compiling Time: Too long Backgroundstory: Yes. You should read the in-game-texts to understand the story. The Concept Mission Failed actually is a prequel to the Original Halflife. My intention were to creat a thrilling shooter with lots of background story. What was important for me: - reasonable weaponplacement - effective monsterplacement - good mixture between puzzles and killing action - an interesting backgroundstory - imperceptible player-guidance through the levels

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Mission Failed

Mission Failed

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You should read the in-game-texts to understand the story. The Concept Mission Failed actually is a prequel to the Original Halflife. My intention were...