Mass effect 1 Texture Overhaul, shadow engine fix, and visual effects enhancements.

DPerete says

10/10 - Agree Disagree

Mass Effect, altough it has a bad gameplay after you play ME3, it has that charm, the atmosphere is really good, i don't really know what it is.
This mod updates most graphical parts of the game without changing that, perfect.
If only there was a gameplay mod, to make animations faster, weapon hits more impacfull and maybe the roll from ME3? xD

ME2 is my least favorite of the series, altough the gameplay is a improvement over ME1 it still is a complete cover-based gameplay like ME1, you hide behind cover and wait for the enemies to come out, while in ME3 they throw grenades over the cover, they come closer with shotguns, etc. But the faster animations, rolls and **** allows you to avoid those things, something impossible in the other 2.

That combined with the graphical atmosphere of all orange and white (Normandy), and **** ton of loyalty optional missions that don't advance the story but you're going to make them anyway because we love the characters, all that makes it my least favorite