Lost Alpha is a new episode of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series made by dezowave group for free!

"the original you always wanted brought to life"
Mod of the Year 2014 I Player's Choice
STALKERchan says

5/10 - Agree (104) Disagree (29)

Full Review Here - Pastebin.com

This mod is a great example of what not to do when trying to recreate a game in your own image, due to it being worse than the SoC in almost every way.

+Fantastic Map Design
+Good Environments
+Great Lighting
+Textures better than vanilla
+Upgrading System

=Gunplay unchanged from Vanilla
=Weapon textures + Models unchanged from Vanilla

-Maps lack things to do in them
-Sounds are subpar
-Voice acting is bad and immersion breaking
-Constant poorly animated cutscenes
-Forced horror moments
-Constant breaking of atmosphere
-Abysmal AI
-Fanfiction-tier story and writing
-Complete lack of A-Life

It's almost as if the developers decided to take SoC, find everything that was good about it and do the complete opposite, which is a shame, since this looked like it had potential, especially since it took '7 years' to get to this point, but the fact this took 7 years just makes me wonder how it could take so long and still produce something of such poor quality. If not for the Maps and Lighting this would probably be a 3/10 in my books, maybe a 4 if I'm feeling generous, but currently it is being held up entirely on the maps and lighting.