A mod for the game Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb which increases difficulty of this rather easy game and also attempts to fix a few glitches ( while probably creating some other ones ^_^ ). Can you withstand the challenge or will evil forces of Nazi and Black Dragon Triads be victorious? Grab a whip, sharpen your reflexes, get some guts and survive!

RSS Reviews

RazielTWF says

Agree Disagree

Mod looks very interesting by making the game more challenging, but it leaks a lot of balance issues. This mod wasn't created to play the game on "HARD", oh no... This mod was made to play the game on "EXPERT" difficulty, but sadly this difficulty option doesn't even exist in the game because the creator had no time for this.

+New Combat & Counter-attack Animations for Indy.
+Defensive melee combat can teach you something new.
+Some small bug fixes which weren't fixed in the original game.

-Huge balance issues like: Defeating a boss in "Prague" is impossible "Due to the mod creator worst decision about making Acid-Pipe destructable than leave it undestructable". Throwable potion-acid is not enough to kill boss in the 2nd phase since if we miss or hit the boss from it - we'll still be unable to defeat him without a matter of luck / a proper hit combination. Bosses deals twice more damage & no weak spots what makes them impossible to defeat from the melee combat without using range weapons.
-Missing "EXPERT" difficulty since this mod makes AI incredibly OP and player dies even after the 1st mistake what makes this mod unforgivable if you're not a hardcore player.
-No options to control how difficult the game should be, so you can practice your skills with the smaller challenge before you'll try hardcore the entire mod.
-"No first aids were moved"? Excuse me, but I'm afraid you lied to us, mod creator. You removed some first aids from some levels because "The game would be too easy". Where's your logic...?
-A fountain has been removed from the observatory level in "Prague" by the mod creator. Why? "I think you can survive at least once without using this fountain". You're very lame, mod creator.
-Dragon Pearl isn't intended for the new & experienced players of this game, what's huge disappointment because even on the "Easy" difficulty level - enemies deals to us twice more damage than make it fair for the players if we're playing on the lowest difficulty option.
-Huge difficulty options balance issues. How the hell we're supposed to play this mod on easy or normal when even on those options enemies are very OP? I can understand "Hard" difficulty, but "Easy & Medium"? Do you even know how the game should behave to for a player if he's playing on the lowest difficulty, mod creator? I think you never thought about it.
-Rushed up mod without double-checking everything before the release.
-If you'll get "FAKE dying" animation, you'll have to start over the entire level. All thanks to the mod creator that forgotten how to test mods properly before releasing them.
-Abandoned & no longer updated mod. Sad.

Grade: 1/10

Conclusion: This mod had a chance to impress the fans of the game, but sadly he failed to do so. I love mods that makes the game harder, but mods that leaks tons of bugs, balance & difficulty balance issues = ain't my type and it's waste of your time on your nerves because of constant dying & unforgivable rules of this mod for even lowest difficulties below the hardest one.


xlucidx says


grilox says


T.G-Tom says