Simplex started as a branch from Complex. It has combined features from Path To Victory as well as many other mods through a long history of R&D. This mod aims to excavate the full potential of the Homeworld 2 engine and it will simply blow your mind with incredible fun!

Pra3t0r5 says

8/10 - Agree (4) Disagree (2)

This is an awesome mod, specially when all you want is to overkill your enemies with DAKKA and Overpower lol.

No really, i like this mod, i love the intensified number of weapons in every ship, however i dont like mods that focus on blowing up everything to the hell using as main feature Overpowered ships and weapons.

Since i'm a strategy and tactics lover and i like much more when the battles are prolongued and my units suvirvability depends of the orders that i give them and not by the number of weapons.

Complex stills as the best mod that i've played (and still playing) and i recomend it to the ones who like tactics and challeging battles.
In the other hand, i recomend this awesome mod to everyone who likes more a fast play with lots of explosions, dakka, overkill and death.

Good job man ^^