Welcome to Half-Life: Final Run. Final Run takes place after the "Apprehension" episode in the original Half-Life. Instead of being thrown into that trash compactor, you are transported to the Black Mesa Jail. Here follows the new radio transmission: "So where are we going with this Freeman guy anyway?" "Topside for questioning." "What the hell for, we got him. Why not just kill him now?" "Because command already knows we're bringing him in. I don't need to be answereing how we "lost" him again." You awake from your beating bruised and dazed - the staccato of an assault rifle slowly winding down. Taking in your surroundings it appears you're in a small brig built on the base. A firefight had broken out between several security guards and the small squad of Marines in charge of the brig. During the firefight the locking mechanism for the cell doors is damaged. You can now make a Final Run for freedom.

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Texture 1 comment

This WAD contains the textures I've put together using Wally and PSP4. It includes: Red truck, brown(rust)truck, "SECURITY" explorer, red...