Half-Life 2: Short Stories is a team working on a group of modifications that take place in the same realm. A lot of the focus is on the story and gameplay, new innovative set pieces and puzzles. After the release of the first episode of Human Error, the team is planning to release more episodes and expand the characters and the world.

Rikersbeard says

10/10 - Agree Disagree

The voice acting is this mod is so good it just brings those disgruntled Civil Defence guys to life. They all seem to look down on old Anders, (you the player) for some reason and I’m sure it’s not because of a few turned around cameras!
Being a Combine lackey you get to take on those alien loving terrorists with plenty of firepower, including the Combine APC!
Fun to drive and shoot freeman’s goons with gun and rocket along dark brooding streets through cars and buildings!
Then you have to earn your keep with a difficult “Keep Him Alive” shootout at the first post you stop at. I stopped playing this mod because I could not get through this section! But I did second time and remembered to save!
Weapon load out was excellent and felt more real than the usual “infinity” backpack, but the star has to be the drivable manhack.
An interestingly novel use of this former pain in my rear as an ally to take out those pesky barrier generators. Bravo!
Each section was so well designed and beautifully textured I sat in awe as I waited for the next to load. And waited and waited. Long loading times forgiven because the wait was worth it!
Bravo for including flooded sections as they appear so pretty on my monitor.
Another slice of nostalgia in a mod, only this time it was my old enemies from Xen! Even those floating big-heads and new Manta rays to bring down to earth!
My fellow cohorts were quite a laugh especially when two of them were trying to kick a door in. another clever use of the manhack as a door-blockade remover!
Now where’s that bloody hole! Ha; very sneaky!
This mod had a great ending without the usual, abhorrent “boss” fight. (Just my opinion) and I loved it all.
So I found out why Anders ghostly girlfriend was bothering him and it seems he is a complete and utter, you fill in the rest!
An amazing mod, that I’ve already played through twice and will try for a thrice tomorrow!
Sheer brilliance no wonder in got so many 2010 nominations!