The mod creates an alternative / parallel reality Star Wars. New Grievous, new units, realistic fighting heroes, time travel, and more.

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Idea of mod (Games : Star Wars Battlefront II : Mods : Grievous Revenge : Forum : Mod Story : Idea of mod) Locked
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Sep 30 2013 Anchor

Maybe you have a question, as Grievous can to avenge if his defeated Kenobi?
Just this mod creates an alternate line of development (parallel world) Star Wars.
It all begins after the Galaxy finally found peace. Sith is no more, races have learned to live peacefully (though not without minor conflicts)
But unknown to all living and hiding an unknown scientist genius. The last of an ancient and highly advanced civilization.

About civilization
Its civilization was far ahead in technology during Star Wars. But they themselves were peaceful people (although the character was arrogant).
And they and the Jedi Council entered into a contract, the Jedi hiding them and their planet from the galaxy and war (for all but the Board they does not exist), and they do not interfere in the conflict of the Jedi and Sith.
Shall I more say that race does not have a physical shell, it consists of energy, but so dense that they can easily influence the physical world.
And because they are made ??of energy, they are much more sensitive to the abilities of strength than any other creature.

What has happened with so mighty a race?
When the Jedi were destroyed, Emperor Palpatine continued his victorious progress to the Galaxy. And the randomly finds unknown planet.
Race refused to serve the empire and to give technology, and the Emperor sent troops, who were quickly defeated.
And the Lord of the Sith realized their weakness to force and single-handedly destroyed them all (as he thought). Before the death of race, has destroyed the library of knowledge, and hid indestructible crystal with the knowledge of civilization.
Unfortunately, how civilization called the unknown.

Ancient embittered genius
He has over the centuries, collected the fragments of his race, and was able to finally find a crystal!
He creates a portal of time (during the life of the races it was banned) and under the cover of the invisible field is sent at a time when Kenobi has destroyed Grievous.
It takes the DNA of Grievous and sent back to the future, to implement a plan that would save him civilization from the death.
From highly damaged DNA was cloned only part of the Grievous and he still need a mechanical body.
He managed to get hold of old drawings of the body Grievous and battle droids. And he created with his knowledge of technology a new body and new droids, which are much stronger than the originals.

What Grievous can help
The task Grievous, to destroy Lord Sidious and to prevent the establishment of the empire, and Grievous will get a chance to avenge Kenobi.
And Grievous goes through the portal at the moment after his death in the past, but before order № 66.
Opening the portal, all the Jedi and Sith in the galaxy felt a great change in strength. Because of this, Emperor Palpatine postpones the order № 66 to determine the causes of these fluctuations.

At what point did you start playing
Maud begins with the invasion of Grievous (from the future) on Utapau.
You can play for anybody (clones, droids, Grievous and Kenobi).
The fight will not be easy for both sides, as the droid and a half times less than the clones on Utapau, General Grievous and the Droids but is 3 times stronger and smarter than we were. Yes, droids and equipment more.
Grievous could not take more droids because of the unstable portal, which is kept open for long.
You will have to not only hit stupid everything that moves, but also think about how to make the enemy weaker, more vulnerable, or find out how to get around it, without that you can not win)))

Sincerely Alvio Wayne

Edited by: Alvio_Wayne

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