Grey’s life has been nothing but a struggle. A constant downward spiral, and it seems even reality has turned against him. Grey awakens to find that the world has gone quiet, the streets empty. You must find help. Explore the grim world Grey lives in a completely new and unique world, and find clues to his shattered past. Grey is a total conversion Half-Life 2 horror modification where the player must solve puzzles, fight to survive, and find out what is happening to the world around you. We have made a lot changes to the base Source engine and have added countless new mechanics in the mod such as the objective indicator, portable medkit, donator based extras, pickup animations, failed reloads, new picture based GUI elements and much, much more!

C-zom says

3/10 - Agree (3) Disagree (1)

Impressively disappointing, been following this for years and the final gameplay experience is nothing like the media releases or interview hypes. For starters the game is ridiculously unbalanced; I say this as a survival horror fanatic who plays them all on Very Hard when available, even for the first playthrough. Health is randomly scattered with no formula; enemies can kill you with a blink of an eye; lighting is pitifully low and I had to boost my monitors brightness to *even see* in the forest. I liked searching for Anita's dolls and the voice acting for Grey could have been better, but was emotionally solid. But problems exist in the immersion department. The level design is static and very convoluted with random spinoffs, loop holes and dead ends that made me very frustrated. Details are low too, in the level design, with most of the texture work and decal decorations being hidden by poor global illumination.

All of the horror is unfortunately jump scares too, with no sense of slow-dripping horror or burning immersion that this team's idols, obviously the makers of Cry of Fear and Afraid of Monsters, had mastered before them. Overall the experience is just dry. It's got unfortunately bad music and production values for the time it took to make and I wouldn't really recommend this mod to anybody at all given the state it is in, but a reimagining/expansion and tons of patches may easily bring this up to an 8/10. We'll see in time.