Gekokujo is a mod for Mount and Blade Warband set in the Sengoku period of Japan. The name is a term often translated as "the low-ranked taking over from the high" and was chosen because it was a running theme during that era: Oda Nobunaga descended from a clan of deputies to the nominal governor of their province, but the Oda usurped them and toppled their neighbors; Toyotomi Hideyoshi began his career as a cook and sandal bearer and ended up the ruler of Japan; Tokugawa Ieyasu was an upstart who probably fabricated a claim of descent from the Minamoto clan--the only ones allowed to be granted the title of Shogun. As a player of Gekokujo, you will start from nothing and attempt to gain control of the entire country, making the title fitting.


A small edit ontop of the Gekokujo Daimyo Edition mod, "Named Daimyo" does what it does, and names the Daimyo. Effectively turning i.e. Great Lord Imagawa into Daimyo Imagawa Ujizane.

Gekokujo - Named Daimyo
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itruvor - - 124 comments

Is it possible to get more complete information about the difference from the original mod?

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Ujinobu Author
Ujinobu - - 6 comments

There's not much difference to it; It's a full standard Gekokujo Daimyo Edition module, but with an edited troops.txt file which has the edited leader names.

I decided to put it as a seperate module so that current Gekokujo campaigns wouldn't be compromised.

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HardenedSerpent - - 22 comments

Just to clarify, this is Gekokujo 3.1 with Daimyo edition patched over it and your change right?
I'm asking cause Daimyo Edition can be run standalone and the file sizes are odd.
Gekokujo 3.1 is around 700mb
DE is around 600mb
and this is around 900mb. (i also haven't touched Gekokujo in years so i have no idea which one i should install.)

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Ujinobu Author
Ujinobu - - 6 comments


(Daimyo Edition standalone 3.1)

I grabbed the module and edited the troops.txt file. That is all that this is. I made it standalone so people are not forced to overwrite current games, but can keep it in a seperate module per say.

As such, "Named Edition" is basically a full 3.1 module, but with an edited troops.txt file.

I hope this answers your question. Let me know if you have any others!

~ Ujinobu

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mmiracmat - - 7 comments

I have set up mode but when I start the new game it gets stuck in the installation screen.

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Guest - - 707,044 comments

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Guest - - 707,044 comments

I just started the mod after watching the history of Sengoku videos by Extra Credits and I love it so far, but one of the first things I notices was that Odas Clan Leader wasn't actually named which disappointing me after growing accustomed to and liking the characters in the video/playlist I watched, (seriously, if anyone's interested in this time period of Japan I recommend watching it, I think its great) so I sincerely thank you for this!

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Ujinobu Author
Ujinobu - - 6 comments

Hello, sorry that it took awhile.

Right, to answer this: Inside the module you'll find three troop.txt files:



-> Basically copy the troops_edited to your desktop, name it troops, and then drag it back into the folder. It will prompt you wheter or not you want to replace the older troops.txt file. You will want to say YES :)

(You can use the same method for troops_backup into troops to "revert / rollback" to how they were)

Hope this helps!

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Sekij - - 10 comments

Can i get this somehow to work with 3.0 non Daimyo ?

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Guest - - 707,044 comments

I think so yes. Fetch the troops.txt and put it in the corresponding location inside the 3.0 non-daimyo version.

I cannot guarantee a total success because 3.1 Daimyo uses different factions but hey... thats what trial & error is all about: "Does it work or not?"

Lemme know!

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Ujinobu Author
Ujinobu - - 6 comments

Just a headsup, I doubt it would work, given DE adds additional factions. (Much like the comment above already stated)

You will propably end up "corrupting" several characters if it does "work". (In the sense that Lord Date might suddenly be called Lord Shimazu's name for example)

Like the guest asked, let us know :)

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losmi87 - - 138 comments

why there is no lance usage with polearm on horses?

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Ujinobu Author
Ujinobu - - 6 comments

That was never there in the basemod (Gekokujo DE itself) to begin with. You can only counch with actual types of Yari, not weaponry like the Naginata or Nagamaki.

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blaster4423 - - 12 comments

i found 2 major bugs on this mod first one is when you siege a town or a castle your allies even tho they are exacly beside you arent able to reinforce you for some reason.the second one is that when you defend a village from be looted from an enemy lord you cant leave the battle even tho you won unless you surrender pls fix them asap i cant keep fighting by myself all the time XD

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Guest - - 707,044 comments

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alancostagui - - 48 comments

Yasuke style bois XD

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Guest - - 707,044 comments

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Guest - - 707,044 comments

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IronWithinIronWithou - - 1 comments

Does this work on Daimyo edition Reimagined?

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emreg7806 - - 24 comments

like nice mod :)

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