"Ferench Estate - Awakening" is a part of the new adventure of the game "Amnesia The Dark Descent". At present this is on my "drawing board". Action year 1848,Hungarian rise against absolute ruler's - the Habsburgs. Your name is VLADIMIR and you are deserter.You and two of you companions are hiding in the old "Ferench Estate". During centuires the place earned fame as very gruesome and spooky.Nevertheless you decided to take risk hopping that "deserters hunters" knowlege of the horror past of the Estate will save you,that this, will make them not to enter the propety. VLADIMIR, you made a BIG mistake. What to expect? 1. Compact story 2. New sourandings and music 3. New objects 4. Mysteries 5. Location in detail 6. Sense of gruesomness Ferench Estate "Awaikening" is first of the three projected parts of "Amnesia", the game of the adventures". First part is allmost ready. The test of logic of heppenings to do. Adventures is only in Polish version, but who Knows?

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 23)

Not a bad mod!But I still didn't understand why the long descent down the stairs and why the enemy appears there "SUDDENLY" behind my back...

Short but pretty good and original mod.

Really poorly designed, items can easily clip through the walls on the main floor, or fall through the floor itself. After climbing up the ladder behind the gate, I just fell through the world because there's no walls up there for some silly reason. After obtaining the rusty key, there is 0 intuition on what to do after that, there are no other locked doors apart from the one on the main floor, and the crowbar doesn't open it either. Just poorly designed overall.

I created an extra_english.lang that can be put in the root directory of Posiadlosc Ferenczego:


Otherwise, all of the notes are blank.

Anyway, this was a very good, very detailed custom story for being so short.

+1 for good level design. The corridors were unique but not badly done, and each of the rooms had a lot of detail.
+1 for the custom paintings/entities.

+0 for the plot since there isn't officially an English version.

-2 for no autosaves. I wanted to reload my game to the last level in an attempt to get the other alternate ending (and get the gatherer to chase me down a hole), but no autosaves were created.
-1 because the brute got stuck on a hanging body.


JaZkar says

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Całkiem przywoita przygoda na około 20-30 minut.


Nawet niezła przygoda z chwilami grozy. Polecam na 20 minut przygody z Amnesią


frieman4993 says


zys says


Erzik99 says


AirMonster says