Imagine, a Hollywood producer got his hands on the game. The result would be similar to what the Cinematic Mod is: a graphics blockbuster, redesigned to the typical game to movie adaption with an orchestral soundtrack and beautiful people everywhere.

TheZealot says

1/10 - Agree (17) Disagree (20)

This ought to be renamed "Fakefactory's Pornographic Mod" because that is exactly what this is. The dirty 40something year old man who made this seems to have a peculiar obsession with Alyx and Adriana Lima, as with every iteration of this mod Alyx is turned even sluttier than in the previous version, and is guaranteed to have the face of Lima to complete the sluttiness. And not only was Alyx affected, Mossman and the female citizens/rebels also were "enhanced" by Fakefactory's definition. They have all been turned into some kind of street tramps. Basically, all of the women in this mod look like they were designed by a socially awkward 14 year old with a hormone-infested mind. And the male characters don't look much better either. They all had ****** "enhancements" that make them all look extremely out of place with the Half-Life 2 universe, and some of them look completely retarded. Also, this mod adds ironsights, possibly to cater to the COD fanboys who don't turn away from HL2 the second they see it. Why don't more people realize that ironsights are cliche as **** and done to death? Basically the only redeeming value of this mod is that the mapping is very well-done, and it must have taken a while to get the maps back in working condition after decompiling them; but even then, the god awful character models in the "full experience" completely nullify anything good that this mod has to offer.