Estranged, the story of a lone fisherman, stranded on a mysterious island during a violent storm. Explore rich environments and meet the curious inhabitants of the island as you find a way back to the mainland.

Templarfreak says

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7/10 - Agree (2) Disagree

Finally got around to playing this.

Great atmosphere, but that's really all this had.

The zombies were not at all threatening, and they only legitimately scared me once and that was when they first popped up.

The only other highlight of me playing this was the last sequence. It was an extremely large and bizarre difficulty jump and I very-much do not look forward to stuff like that in the future parts. Not saying the fighting was bad, but it was just the ridiculous difficulty. The majority of the time spent on this was on that last part. It was extremely frustrating.

I do like where the story is going, though. I look forward to that at least.

All-in-all, this is definitely worth playing, if you can excuse that difficult jump (I BARELY can). But it certainly needs more polish and probably some balance tuning.
