Hardcore Single-Player Mod for Hl1 with 4 hour campagin. Your name is Alex Johnes. You're one of scientists caught up in the Black Mesa disaster. After being trained in a special Black Mesa self-defense course three months ago, you're unwilling to accept the sure death as your destiny. You will neither let the troops catch you, nor will they wipe you out. Make your way. Find Gordon Freeman. He is the last hope that drives you traveling on...

SpammingTanks says

5/10 - Agree (1) Disagree (1)

I am with what others have detailed about bugs, invisible walls, no auto-saves,and the like. All of this plus many dead ends made the mod not so enjoyable.

However I will give it a thumbs up for the new environments, they get you away from the usual Black Mesa. Very creative in that regard. The tactical display of your health and ammo is also different.

And finally the story... what little of it, was very um, how do I put it... WTF!?!?!? I made no sense.

If you can handle many bugs this is a pretty OK mod.