Crusader - Sacra Regna (ex name: Sed Doloris, Sed Sanguis) is a Mount & Blade Warband mod set in the Middle Ages, in the area called "the Holy Land". Now, as you arrive to the Middle-East during the crusades, three faiths crash for these lands: the Catholic, the Muslim and the Ortodox.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 101)

Sorry for the average rating, but the mod is unbalanced and there are many things that needs fixing. Like when my male companion Arn told me he is the daughter of a thane and married with a man (as a gay man I don't find that offensive, it is just weird to find something like this in a mode about crusader era) or when I accidentaly ran into the claim holder of Swadian kingdom in a tavern.

Although the map is announced as historically accurate, many place names still has vanilla M&B names. And Byzantine Empire was not Latin, but Roman. Latin Empire was a Catholic state founded after the Crusaders captured Konstantinoupoli and has nothing to do with Greeks.

Antoher thing is the companions, they are all super developed in all skills, so much that they can singlehandedly beat large groups of enemies. And lastly, have you ever tried to join a tournament in Byzantine capital? You ride between question marks and floating viewers, literally.

I don't want to be harsh, the mod is playable but not enjoyable, as long as these bugs exist.

Nice Mod

Good mod!

I find it very authentic and extremely enjoyable. Leading your men against a horde of crusaders who wish to destroy not only our people but also our way is just too enticing to turn down. This mod is great and should be valued as such.


Great mod!

This mod is truly my favourite one. Simple but the new features are awesome. Just can't wait for new release and new stuffs, just kinda upset cause of the stuck point in the deserts (like in noth of Antioch in route to Iron Brigade) and lords names .

Very good, although needs to be patched up


This mod is trash I m sorry

Nice mod