Command and Conquer 3: The Forgotten aims to bring back and tell the story of a fascinating faction. The Forgotten, featured in Tiberian Sun and Firestorm, are an ever-growing group of individuals afflicted with Tiberium-based illnesses. Detested, marginalized, and oppressed by the three superpowers, The Forgotten have begun to rally against GDI, Nod, and the Scrin. Since their story is not featured in C&C 3, the mod aims to tell it in a compelling fashion, through a deep singleplayer campaign, unique faction composition, and engaging gameplay. The Forgotten is also the only mod to feature high-definition Full Motion Videos, just like real C&C games, that advance the story.

undead3 says

10/10 - Agree Disagree

it's the forgotten...for any true C&C fan i need not say more. although (yes i'm saying this becouse i have no coding skills or 3D unit design skills) it'd be cool to see a sequil to this once we're permitted to mod the kane's wrath expansion, you left a very open ending to the campaign that left me wanting more.

as for the multiplay i'd say the forgotten fill the niche i've been looking for. i can canscript spam with the hoard, or i can go fullblown specialist forces with the very good commando and his special power and the super strong air forces and super troops.

and of course the nastagia factor alone makes this mod worth it vein hole monsters tib feinds....a higher chance to encounter viscroid swarms almost every good thing EA decided to whimsically rip out of C&C