Command and Conquer 3: The Forgotten aims to bring back and tell the story of a fascinating faction. The Forgotten, featured in Tiberian Sun and Firestorm, are an ever-growing group of individuals afflicted with Tiberium-based illnesses. Detested, marginalized, and oppressed by the three superpowers, The Forgotten have begun to rally against GDI, Nod, and the Scrin. Since their story is not featured in C&C 3, the mod aims to tell it in a compelling fashion, through a deep singleplayer campaign, unique faction composition, and engaging gameplay. The Forgotten is also the only mod to feature high-definition Full Motion Videos, just like real C&C games, that advance the story.

SpammingTanks says

10/10 - Agree Disagree

Personally, I think the Forgotten should have been a faction of the 'official' games, but C&C Labs did a fantastic job and I would not have the Forgotten any other way. Way to go C&C Labs!

Campaign: Nice and challenging. Mostly turtiling and steamrolling missions, but fun to play. Includes live action sequences, which were pretty good considering no budget. Nice acting. The story was also good.

The Faction: Pretty balanced with the other factions (at least with CPU's). Great unit designs and art for the side-bar. GREAT voice acting (my favorite is the 'Fissure Tank'). Good support powers and special abilities.
My only problem is the 'bulldozer', I never found it useful, but that is just me.

Music: FANTASTIC. My favorites are "Rezolution", and "The Battle Begins". Very energetic.

Skirmish/Multiplayer maps: They added about six new maps for multiplayer/skirmish. Very nicely done work.

Extras: PDF's that provide an extra storyline background. Fun reads. As well as a manual to the game.

Bravo to C&C Labs! Can't wait for more of your work. :)