Blue Portals is a unique Portal mod that has players traverse through new test chambers using only the single portal device and many new test elements.

ghostings says

6/10 - Agree (12) Disagree (3)

You managed to release a mod, without delay, which every other source mod on this website is incapable of doing so.

I should remind myself to play the mod before reviewing it. Tastefully made and gorgeous to the eye. The puzzles though aren't very mentally challenging, if anything this puzzle tests you more on execution than anything else.

Don't even get me started on the recycled momentum puzzles which crop up almost every single level. They're fun with a TWO portal gun, with a one portal gun I am forced to barely dodge those damn rails for the orange portals.

A puzzle game is supposed to make me think on how to solve it, not build muscle memory in my wrist, I already give it plenty of exercise. I'll give you points on your nice looks, good support, and timely release, no more.