BetaMod is designed to add units and abilities locked away inside of the Zero Hour files and to include new ones for a more interesting gameplay experience without taking anything away that makes Hero Hour what it is. If you want to add any media, that's fine by me, just make sure it's appropriate!

RSS Files
BetaMod 0.4

BetaMod 0.4

Demo 4 comments

since 0.3... Footmen Infiltration now works properly- Nuke Hunters now have normal rockets that leave radiation, but a new upgrade, Neutron tipped Rockets...

BetaMod 0.3

BetaMod 0.3

Patch 2 comments

I noticed my motivation for Betamod was dropping recently, so I decided to add a bunch of content before my motivation fizzled out completely. These changes...

BetaMod 0.2.1

BetaMod 0.2.1

Patch 3 comments

sorry for the delay between the media update and the download update, my computer was acting up. after getting a few complaints about 0.2 not working...

BetaMod 0.2 +RadBomb(and others)

BetaMod 0.2 +RadBomb(and others)


Because I felt like it, and I want to test it online if anyone wants to play.

BetaMod 0.2

BetaMod 0.2


I've noticed i have been procrastinating on my modding, so I quicly did some stuff and will now release patch 0.2! to install: delete the 0.1 if you have...

BetaMod version 0.1

BetaMod version 0.1


To install: place the INI folder in your Zerohour/Data directory. known issues: china Boss does not have AI, USA boss' buildings don't have proper script...