This mod, in development since March 2006, is a mod on medieval Japan. The purpose of it is to make live again with the player, in a way faithful to the history and realism, the wars of the clans which put Japan at fire and blood in XVIème century. It also endeavours to improve the play itself: for example, for more realism, an arrow is equivalent in Battle of Asia, with a death in 60% of the cases, while taking of account the level of the armour of the soldier concerned... The factions are 9, 7 Japanese clans, in more of the Empire of Alta Khan (Mongolian) and of the Ming Dynasty (Chinese). Each faction has basic units, and units specific to its own faction as well as units of elites.

RSS Files
BoA campaign Addon

BoA campaign Addon

Patch 7 comments

This addon features some bugs fixing, the Good Look mod by Helloween and finally the campaign addon by Alex1987.

Battles of Asia v2.0

Battles of Asia v2.0

Full Version 12 comments

Full version of Battles of Asia. It features everything you can read in the summary, except the campaign, which is downloadable as an add-on.