This mod is for battlefield 1942. It's parent mod for Bf2/2142 can be found here: It's Upcoming Release Battlefield 40k - Extended will be released October 13th, 2006. That's right, Friday the 13th. It'll feature the dark forces of Chaos and the Emperor's Space Marines, on multiple maps with all-new weaponary. A Universe of Total War Battlefield 40k is a total conversion of Battlefield 1942 based on Games Workshops table top war-game - Warhammer 40,000. Set in the future, in the year 40,000 AD. Worlds are at war, the Empire heroically battles the forces of evil with devastating results. Featuring the Space Marines, humanity's strongest and most elite warriors, the Imperium of Man staves off countless threats. Now, fight against the vile forces of Chaos, a cancerous manipulator in the galaxy that has turned even the Emperor's Finest against His own forces. Fight on barren wastelands, sprawling deserts and in shattered cities. Total war! Battlefield 40k's...

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 27)

Whilst this mod has good intentions, unfortunately it does not work as intended.

Outside of horrible map design, ammo and health crates/cabinets do not work whatsoever, only one team in each battle has custom names whereas the other team is simply referred to as "PlayerX", and some textures and models do not look pleasant in the slightest.


Not a bad mod. Some interesting assets.


Wulfburk12 says


CptDutchie says


bf40kadmin says


ATTACK2077 says


Gazza2005 says


QsamB says


Bh40k_Radek says