Prepare yourself for this Untold story of the Brennenburg castle.

Entoan says

5/10 - Agree (3) Disagree (4)

I tried playing it but personally it is way to slow for me to play. I understand you were trying to go for a story but I think you went for to much in my opinion. Also it is very confusing but it is possible to do the puzzles and such. I got to the sewer part but by then I kinda lost interest in the mod. I get the whole walking thing at the start but again I felt like it was way to long. Which is why I feel like I lost alot of interest in this mod. I personally need alot more scares at the start or something that makes the mod fun. I need the feeling of fear but it really wasn't there...

It was actually a good story and I can tell you put alot of effort for putting voice acting but my personal taste does not like it. I am sorry but that is just my opinion. The thing this mod lacks in my opinion is grabbing the people from the start.

5/10 is my review