Your name is David Leatherhoff, and you're addicted to a strange drug. Lately you have started to experience illusions, dreams picking at your deepest and darkest fears. Finally, you go to Markland Hospital, seeking help. First, however, you make a stop into the bathroom, where another bottle of pills awaits you, standing out like a beacon in the night in your depraved eyes. When will it all stop?

Michaeltmoreno says

10/10 - Agree Disagree

A creative use of the source engine. A Nightmarish horror scenario executed so well... especially for a mod.This presents itself right from the start with its atmosphere and sound direction. The game is pretty creative in the sense of its execution of puzzles and problem solving scenarios that seem to present a very natural learning curve. the only thing nightmarishly difficult about this mod are moments when your are surrounded by monsters and escape seems impossible. a very well crafted od that should receive a standalone build. I would definitely pay for this as a standalone game!