Your name is David Leatherhoff, and you're addicted to a strange drug. Lately you have started to experience illusions, dreams picking at your deepest and darkest fears. Finally, you go to Markland Hospital, seeking help. First, however, you make a stop into the bathroom, where another bottle of pills awaits you, standing out like a beacon in the night in your depraved eyes. When will it all stop?

gayshit says

6/10 - Agree Disagree

It is pretty creepy for the first 20 or so minutes of gameplay; and from the hospital onwards it's ******* goofy. All the enemies except the common zombie look really stupid (my personal favorite being face that blinks out of existence and shoots eyeballs that giggle at you, seriously what the **** lmao), and most of the scares left me shrugging thinking "was that supposed to make me jump?". You can also tell that the monsters are just copied straight from Half Life and given a new look with MS paint graphics.

Gameplay wise it's pretty solid. Just don't expect it to make sense. You can play it if you need a good laugh too. Keeping in mind that the creator of this mod made it at the age of 15, it's quite impressive, but you're stuck with things that only a 15 year old could consider scary as a result.