Hello. This is the well recommended AdvancedAI mod 0.98/by Lion&r42;/, improved by AEI - v2.8 The aim of the mod and my improvements is to create the greatest AI available for ZH. The improved /revived/ mod supports both the 1.04 and 1.06 ZH patches. There are a lot of new fixes and improvements added by me, and the AI will use more humanlike tactics as well.

Kleer says

10/10 - Agree (3) Disagree (2)

It is one of the toughest AI ever! Finally I've found something challenging for me because I was bored with the other AIs I've played and I got tired of winning. Contra 005 is the hardest I've ever seen, but it's so old and buggy and the latest versions are too easy, so now my choice is to use this one. Thanks for improving it.