While AWAAP development is still paused, hope is at hands: "Bandits, coming in at eight o'clock high...break, break, break,........Gold Wing take those fighters, Natley and McArthur with me, we're going after the bombers....I'm going in on the leader.........got him! his starboard engine's burning up.....follow my lead men, tally ho!" ".......Damn it Gold Wing keep those fighters off us, I'm being torn to pieces......primary fuel lines been hit.....Jesus, keep them off me you bastards....those last two bombers aren't going to shoot themselves down....good God they've got the Bristol, her tanks have blown, she's going down!" A Wing And A Prayer is a total conversion for the Homeworld 2 engine, moving the action from space combat to early twentieth century aerial battles between a variety of fictional aircraft and airships, ranging from scout fighters up to ironclad super Zeppelins. Drawing on the style of games like "Crimson...

Forum Thread
We Need Your Ideas! (Games : Homeworld 2 : Mods : A Wing And A Prayer : Forum : AWAAP Discussion and Ideas : We Need Your Ideas!) Locked
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May 17 2007 Anchor

Basically the planned units for AWAAP are not set in stone, if you've got an idea for a crazy contraption befitting the golden age of aerial warfare then let us know!

Think you have a brilliant idea for a plane that can turn the tide of war?
Want to see your idea potentially made into a part of the first ever air warfare RTS?
Want to beat the hun at his own game?

Post your ideas/doodles/blueprints away (I'll even be sticking up a few of my own that didn't quite make the grade for AWAAP).

May 20 2007 Anchor

Maybe for the brits an updated Spitfire(my Fave:)
Perhaps you chould add auto/Rotating turits for some of the larger fighters.(sorry for spelling)
Also Great mod!!

Edited by (in order): jake123, jake123

May 20 2007 Anchor

I was look though what you have in your unit inventory so far and Im seeing something that is missing. That something would be a long rang Reconnaissance plane akin to the PBY Catalina or the Focke-Wulf Condor. A plane that would act as the probe/scout/light bomber in homeworld. This is feasible given the technology of the 1920-1930 It would probably be or resemble a bomber with a huge ass antenna/WWII area radar bolted on to it with a large fuel tank(upgradable).

May 21 2007 Anchor

One step ahead of you, thats the role played out by the scouts: Moddb.com
Long range, able to hover, traverse stormy regions without damage and engage other scouts if needby. They aren't bomb capable but I think that would be an ability too far, and besides the craft is so small any bomb would be almost useless. I had played around with an idea of having these drop radio recievers that marked enemy airships on the tac map, except that would require getting in so close, it would probably be impossible most of the time.

As for the turrets on fighters, thats pretty much the role of the gunship. The problem with turrets is they tend to be used from outside a battle, while a fighter gets into the thick of it. Its a possible idea though, perhaps if ever in the future the tech tree went higher and included a super heavy fighter it could be armed with a turret as well as frontal guns.

May 21 2007 Anchor

Chould you not use an aircraftcarryer for mass landings (SFS)

Edited by: jake123

May 21 2007 Anchor

The idea is for them to land as in HW2, with a wing going in pretty much all once, another one following close behind and so on.
Obviously if you intend to land an entire air force it will take a while, but half a dozen wings should be pretty rapid.

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