A modification for Mount and Blade: Warband, set in the universe of George R. R Martins "A Song of Ice and Fire". Also known as the popular HBO TV-series "Game of Thrones".


For Mount and Blade: Warband 1.161. Based on "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R. R. Martin.

A Clash of Kings 1.5
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Kriegtooth - - 1,619 comments

OH MY GAWD! Awesome, you just jumped straight to 1.5 :D

Is there a 1.51 in the works?

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mcjonny17 - - 5 comments

i cant even open the game it told me something like "get_object failed for texture:cozur_snowy_bushes" how do i fix that so i can atleast start up the mod ?

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ProfessionalNoob - - 8 comments

I have the same problem and i don't know what to do... you know something?

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mcjonny17 - - 5 comments

That link ^ is just the crack to the 1.158 mount and blade game you have to delete your entire game and download this it gives you a link to the game download that as-well and use the crack to get it started it took me a few hours but it worked great mod only problem is alot of charaters are not in the game i made my guy john snow

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Guest - - 707,045 comments

buy the game you scrubs!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+17 votes
VictorDiu - - 32 comments

exactly you have to buy the game

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supermanflys - - 16 comments

Dude the game is pretty cheap on GOG, Humble Bundle and Steam. This company deserves your money, which is like 5 bucks.

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TheJohnson - - 1 comments

This man is right, buy the game straight from GOG or somewhere one of the few companies not trying to rip you off.

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Guest - - 707,045 comments

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Noodwarrior - - 5 comments

thats untrue i think youll find it hard to name more than one

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Mastroberti - - 26 comments

Your version of the game must be 1.158+ i had the same problem then i pirated it and cracked it and now i bought the full game (from steam) and gona download the mod,cheers hope it helps

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Guest - - 707,045 comments

i have the same problem how do i fix that ?????

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Stroopwaffel - - 80 comments

It is easy.
Step 1: type in Google.com
Step 2: Google for Steam/G2A/GOG
Step 3: Enter your chosen website
Step 4: Search for M&B: Warband
Step 5: Purchase the F*CKING game
Step 6: Bye-bye to problems with updating

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Guest - - 707,045 comments

I torrented it but ended up buying the game since it is so awesome. I still havent bother to install it though lol

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oodaa - - 602 comments

Haha same here cause i didn't have a bank account but since i got one bout a year ago had to buy this game just because i wanted to support the devs for making such an awesome game and especially since bannerlord is in the making.

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Guest - - 707,045 comments

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Guest - - 707,045 comments

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Guest - - 707,045 comments

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driestfuturex10 - - 13 comments

hey how awesome is this mod

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Guest - - 707,045 comments

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Guest - - 707,045 comments

easy way to see whats new in each update?

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***Geroj*** - - 2,160 comments

Folders and files

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Ettenrocal - - 908 comments

Changelog ? ;-)

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Guest - - 707,045 comments

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Raggmunk - - 9 comments


changelog for 1.5

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jogospedro90 - - 42 comments

Thanks for another great update Cozur :)

I saw the changelog and didn't notice anything to improve gameplay performance, which is the worst part of this mod for me and other people due to the high textures...
(I can play any other mod without lag, except this one...even reducing textures, AI, and other specs still lags)

For example, brytenwalda made a dlc textures-pack...full invasion makes high and low textures versions...would it be possible for you to do something like this please?


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keviny010 - - 1 comments

do I have to download other versions before I can play this one?

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jogospedro90 - - 42 comments

OMG...just read the Description dude:

"This is a STAND-ALONE download, you have to remove your old ACOK folder and replace it with this one."

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Kriegtooth - - 1,619 comments

Oh yeah, will this be ok with version 1.158?

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jogospedro90 - - 42 comments

I presume yes.
Although it says "1.161" i know that when it said 1.160 it worked (the difference were mainly steam changes which didn't make any difference)...and i think it's fair to presume the same for this one :)

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Guest - - 707,045 comments

i cant play it it says i need texture cozy snow bush or something like that how do i fix this ?

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Khurzen - - 159 comments

thanks :D

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Guest - - 707,045 comments

What happened to the female faces? They are all the same...

Or is that a bad download?

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Tirian-Hammerfist - - 19 comments

They aren't all the same, but it appears that Cozur's new ones have replaced all the old ones. However, at the moment I can't stand having Fenna as a companion as that face she now has isn't really Cozur's greatest work...

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Tirian-Hammerfist - - 19 comments

Great to see 1.5 out, though I thought it was mentioned in the changelog previously that the text would be returned to what it was in the 1.3 version? Currently I'm still seeing the same text that is in native and 1.4.

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Tirian-Hammerfist - - 19 comments

Also thought I'd mention that unfortunately, after a bit of testing, it appears that some of the problematic bugs from 1.4 are still around, notably that after giving a companion a fief, the other companions no longer display your heraldry on heraldic armour/shields etc., and the icon above their head, which should show your banner, is grey.

In addition, I don't know if this was intentional, but now all women seem to have these new faces, and I'd really rather they went back to what they were before - Fenna's face, for instance, seems far too squashed together.

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Guest - - 707,045 comments

Yeah all the female faces are the same... what the heck?

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Guest - - 707,045 comments

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Greol - - 6 comments

Is it possible to recruit unique troops (Stonehelm knights for example) more than once?

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Tirian-Hammerfist - - 19 comments

The way it is currently implemented, nope.

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Greol - - 6 comments

Thanks. I thought there must be some way, so I tried waiting and everything. I hope they fix this since it is a nice touch and it enchants the playing experience.

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pinkmrdoomSR2 - - 11 comments

I have to point out an existing problem, the dragonstone armor still looks very strange, the model is messed up and it looks bizarre when equipped.

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PhoenixFire17 - - 3 comments

Presumably not compatible with 1.4?

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jogospedro90 - - 42 comments

why couldn't you read the description??!

"You need to start a new game, this is not save-game compatible."

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mcjonny17 - - 5 comments

you can't even save the game ?

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jogospedro90 - - 42 comments


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Mr.Kat - - 13 comments

Ofcorz the game can be saved. But you have to start new with this mod. You can't continue other saved games from previous versions.

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danny0952 - - 27 comments

You can however import a character.

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zerosleepless0 - - 11 comments

Why is it that , whenever i enter a bet on myself in a tournament , i always get the same amount back , not earning any money at all in the end?

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Tirian-Hammerfist - - 19 comments

If you've recently won a tournament, then your odds of winning aren't as lucrative as they were before - for instance, if you hold a feast in your own town, and then join in the tournament every day, your odds of winning will increase greatly, and so in the end, you'll get no more money back than that which you spent on it. Over time, however, the odds will get better again.

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zerosleepless0 - - 11 comments

Thank you for replying , though that was actually the first tournament i ever won in 1.5 , first time i ever entered the bet and the odds were 1 to 1 , i am quite certain that it didn't use to be that way in the previous version (1.4) as per usual , i would win a great deal of money in my first tournament in a certain city , and then the next day i would win less , and so on.
But now i have tried tournaments in 6 different cities and didn't win a single dime (from my bets), not even the first time.
Pretty sure that's a bug.

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zerosleepless0 - - 11 comments

My bad!!! it seems the problem came from a faulty download, once i re-downloaded the mod , tournaments worked as usual.

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Tirian-Hammerfist - - 19 comments

Good, I'm glad its now working for you :)

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