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Comment History
zionifl - - 22 comments @ Age of Enlightenment

Is it normal in the GitHub version that many POPs in the Americas are very militarized? There are entire provinces where all Commoners are entirely replaced with Soldiers, disabling the RGOs in those provinces. Are there any ways to reduce the Soldier POPs in those provinces?

Good karma+2 votes
zionifl - - 22 comments @ Victoria 2 Cold War Enhancement Mod

Yep... the update definitively fixed immigration. Managed to play a Progressive Brazil and pass a bunch of reforms, now I'm sucking all of the world's immigrants, nearly 10000 per month.

Good karma+1 vote
zionifl - - 22 comments @ The Ideal ShortCuts

Is there a Build Railroad shortcut? Nice mod, by the way :)

Good karma+1 vote
zionifl - - 22 comments @ Victoria Universalis

It seems that most of the main menu gets hidden on 1366x768 resolution. Only the Singleplayer and Multiplayer options show up. Is there any way to fix this on the GUI files?

Good karma+1 vote
zionifl - - 22 comments @ Age of Enlightenment

As a Brazilian, I give your mod an extra 1000 points for the "Come to Brazil" decision. We'll also make sure you're extracted from your home at midnight and placed at the best favela in our country :D

Good karma+6 votes
zionifl - - 22 comments @ Victoria 2 Cold War Enhancement Mod

I've noticed that there is a Forced Laborer POP, but there isn't a political reform for Allowed Slavery/Compulsory Work. Is it a Work In Progress or is there a mechanic in the game that enables this POP?

Good karma+1 vote
zionifl - - 22 comments @ Victoria 2 Cold War Enhancement Mod

Whilst playing as the Soviets, does sphering a country and promoting our ideology through our sphere gradually increases communist support on them, or is there another way of increasing support?

Good karma+1 vote
zionifl - - 22 comments @ Victoria 2 Cold War Enhancement Mod

Another little bug... the newspaper seems to stop working after a few years of gameplay. It works just fine for 5 to 10 years, but after that, it just stops working. Using the GitHub version, as always, but it applies to the current ModDB version as well.

Good karma+1 vote
zionifl - - 22 comments @ Victoria 2 Cold War Enhancement Mod

Yes, but even with that version, they still get very aggressive with the infamy.

Good karma+1 vote
zionifl - - 22 comments @ Cheat Pack Victoria 2

A little bug I encountered, closing the whole cheats menu but not closing the Diplomatic one causes the Diplomatic Cheats Menu to stay open.

Also, I'd love to have a increase and decrease pops' militancy and consciousness. Increase because I want to pass specific reforms and decrease because I want to preserve my sanity. I can still hear the revolt sound in my head :)

Good karma+1 vote
zionifl - - 22 comments @ Victoria 2 Cold War Enhancement Mod

One of the things that I noticed about the mod's AI, especially the Soviets', is that they tend to go WAY over their infamy limit through decisions and events. Thus, the Cold War tends to go hot very quickly because of other countries coalition-waging-war against them. The only fix I've encountered so far is upping the infamy limit to 100 through the mod files and, like that, I observed that the Soviets tend to go to 80 infamy maximum like that. Is that going to be fixed on a future update or is it too complicated to fix?

Good karma+1 vote
zionifl - - 22 comments @ Victoria 2 Cold War Enhancement Mod

Looking through the mod files, there are a few politic icons (politics_feminism.dds, politics_internet.dds, and others...) that I've not seen ingame. Are they part of the next update? (I'm using the GitHub Version)

Good karma+1 vote
zionifl - - 22 comments @ HPM Victoria 2 POPs Still Demand Submod ver. 1.7

Great submod! It has all the fixes I feel like the original mod has to have. Thanks for that :)

Good karma+3 votes
zionifl - - 22 comments @ Victoria 2 Cold War Enhancement Mod

Ok then, thanks :)

Good karma+1 vote
zionifl - - 22 comments @ Victoria 2 Cold War Enhancement Mod

Do you plan to implement mechanics such as turning a Republic into a Constitutional Monarchy or similar? Or is it already implemented in the game? By the way, good job on the mod so far!

Good karma+1 vote
zionifl - - 22 comments @ SCP - Containment Breach : The Dark Confinement Mod

Just noticed some sounds are from Frictional Games' games. Nice ;p
Not judging, though. It's still a great mod.

Good karma+3 votes
zionifl - - 22 comments @ Surgical Operation

Hey, can I ask something? How do you make sound mods? I already tried making one, but the sound won't play when shooting the weapon. (I am on an map which loads the sounds) I use Audacity and convert the sound to "WAV (Microsoft) 32-bit PCM" and pack it with WinRAR.

I know a program that is used for .pk3 files, but I want to know if it is something about the sound file itself, if I should convert it to a certain setting or something. Can you help me?

Good karma+2 votes
zionifl - - 22 comments @ Medal of Honor Allied Assault: Sound Mod 2017 v.2

Hey, can I ask something? How do you make sound mods? I already tried making one, but the sound won't play when shooting the weapon. (I am on an map which loads the sounds) I use Audacity and convert the sound to "WAV (Microsoft) 32-bit PCM" and pack it with WinRAR.

I know a program that is used for .pk3 files, but I want to know if it is something about the sound file itself, if I should convert it to a certain setting or something. Can you help me?

Good karma+2 votes
zionifl - - 22 comments @ Age of Empires III: Wars of Liberty

I have an bug to report:
Alot of the units on the mod doesn't play their sounds. (Like the maltese units and alot of the United States units) Also, the game's music is VERY laggy and the sounds take seconds to play on certain moments. (Probabily it is my computer that is bad) I don't know if this is a bug or my mod installed something wrong. Can you help me?

Good karma+1 vote
zionifl - - 22 comments @ Graphics Mod (Age of Empires III)

Does this works with the Improvement Mod?

Good karma+2 votes
zionifl - - 22 comments @ SCP: CB Nine Tailed Fox Mod

Does this mod works for the newest version? (v1.3.7)

Good karma+1 vote
zionifl - - 22 comments @ Slaver's Warcraft 3 HD Mod

Are you planing on making a Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne version? Because i really like the Expansion and i would like even more if a HD Version of it is released :D!

Good karma+1 vote