i am total warhammer freak and love it and 40k i know so much about it if u have ? ask im a laid back person who loves video games and can master them in several hours.im nice but dont take no for an answer and i would love 2 know how 2 mod but dont know how i can only make maps with some map editors and thats about it lol. i love any type of metal and my fav band is heaven shall burn... no there not anti religious my fav pcgame is dow soulstorm and half life, starcraft and i love rts games my fav xbox 360 game is battifield bad company 2 and i love the final fantsy series my fav were X and X-2

RSS Reviews

A New Dawn

Mod review


Mod review

Awaken Dreams - Lord of the Rings mod (HD!)

Mod review

16th Century

Mod review

i would like to say that i started playing M&B Warband about 6 months ago and the vanilla was fun. But then i saw this mod and i thought it looks pretty cool so i downloaded it and played. i have to say the work into it is very well done and it is overall a awsome mod. i keep playing and replaying it because it suits my style, coustom troops and all the items are amazing features! my only concern is some of the bugs i have run across, like after you defeat a fraction its remaining members still attack,some fractions just sit around when they lose all their cities and castles. so overall this is amazing and i hope you still continue!!


Black Mesa

Mod review

Call of Warhammer: Total War. (Warhammer FB)

Mod review

Warhammer 40k Conversion

Mod review