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ValarDohaeris - - 15 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

You could just modify a horse with dragon armor (think Pendor Demons) and then give it 80 speed and 200 charge and 300 armor... Just a thought.

Good karma+1 vote
ValarDohaeris - - 15 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

It's not an absolute rule that the sword stays within the family, it is just passed to the next Knight of the Dawn. Look at Jon being given the sword of House Mormont. It's conceivable, plus it's a mod. Hardly anyone would even know Dawn is an item in the game without going through the cheat menu. Would adding an honor requirement make you happier? It's not like Cozue is very likely to use any of my suggestions anyway.

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ValarDohaeris - - 15 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

Well it makes sense that by avenging the death of Elia and her children that you would prove yourself worthy of being the new Knight of the Morning. And capturing the Mountain, dueling him, and destroying Twyin's army and capturing and killing him would be a significant challenge. By contrast, if you outlast a few Wildling Raiders you get Dark Sister, and I rather take on Mance than the Mountain any day.

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ValarDohaeris - - 15 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

And why would you do that as a Northern vassal? The point of this quest is to give more action to Dorne.

Good karma+1 vote
ValarDohaeris - - 15 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

Quest idea: Unbowed. Unbent. Unbroken.

Talk to Oberyn for quest to capture and kill the Mountain. When trying to kill him, he cannot be handled and you have to kill him in a duel, lose and he escapes again. Before he dies, he says Tywin ordered him to kill Oberyn's sister.

Return to Oberyn. Get special spear (Valyrian steel spear would be nice! Otherwise how about a Viper spear?)
Talk with him for new quest to capture Tywin Lannister and kill him. Kevan Lannister Takes his place.

Reward: Dawn. Appropiate for someone to revenge the murder of Targaryans-Martells.

Good karma+3 votes
ValarDohaeris - - 15 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

Quest idea: Valar Dohaeris

Outside tavern near King's Landing to Lannister soldiers with prison cart. Kill them to free Jaqen. Get iron coin.
Go to House of Black and White in Braavos. Give coin to Strange Man outside.
Inside agree with Jaqen to become No One. Once quest begins here, either you complete it or walk away and fail.
Train with waif (like training villagers except she is Noldor-level hard but unarmored)
Kill several people in Braavos of varying levels of difficulty and inhumanity. Spy. Dressed as beggar. Wait a lot.
Quest bonus: Agility/athleticism/ weapon proficiency bonus; sneak into any city or castle without being caught.

House of Black and White: outside of quest, one can talk with Strange Man outside door about killing any character in the game. Prices are astronomical or require Faceless Men to kill spouse/child/party companion.

Good karma+1 vote
ValarDohaeris - - 15 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

Would you consider adding an option to talk to the Guildmaster without finding him in person? I upgraded my RAM to 6g from 4g and it still crashes for me on entering cities, sieges, or after battles, despite making all conceivable changes. I understand you want us to admire your work, and getting the experience bonus is a nice boost for low level companions, but I would more happily not spend countless lost minutes loading and reloading the game to buy into another dye works.

Good karma+1 vote
ValarDohaeris - - 15 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

City of Sorcerers Quest has the best loophole ever, provided you have a million in coin: you can buy multiple swords by returning to the smith after buying the first one, but before you leave. My companions are going to be seriously awesome now.

Good karma+1 vote
ValarDohaeris - - 15 comments @ A World of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones)


1. So now after I have poisoned a garrison to less than fifty, I cannot negotiate with the defenders for their surrender... I cannot talk with them at all unless there is a lord stationed there.

2. I try to join the Targaryens (after completing the quest and being an independent agent of chaos/justice), but the king is always busy and asks me what I want with two options: fight him or leave him alone, and fighting him doesn't even work. Am I meant to bend the knee to Dorne until I can rebel?

3. In 8.0 I had a nice little domain covering Duskendale, Dragonstone, Stormland, and Kingslanding, with two Valyrian blades, a Masterwork scimitar (my personal favorite), and head-to-toe Lordly armour, including four or five sets for my companions. I was an up-and-coming power at Dornish court, had married a Sand Snake, and was probably looking at a marshalship, conquest of the Free Cities, and retirement as a great lord... or I could have rebelled and claimed rulership over Dorne as husband to one of Oberyn's bastards... and I left all of this for the prospect of being able to send my ships of Unsullied and Queen's Men to any port of my choosing... and to get a Valyrian scimitar, but now there are no Valyrian blades at all! Do I have to kill a Stark to melt his down?

4. Speaking of which, when joining a House: does that change anything other than your banner? I wouldn't mind becoming a Martell if I could convince Oberyn.

Good karma+1 vote
ValarDohaeris - - 15 comments @ A World of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones)

No, it would just... not work. In the end turning "character detail" to the lowest setting fixed it and improved loading times.

Good karma+1 vote
ValarDohaeris - - 15 comments @ A World of Ice and Fire Beta 8.5

Does anyone else have problems trying to join the Targaryens? The Dragon King just asks what I want without an option to swear fealty.

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ValarDohaeris - - 15 comments @ A World of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones)

8.0 worked fine, but after 8.5 and 8.6 it crashes frequently, especially when loading the savegame, going back to map view, or entering a tournament. I am running 4G RAM. Any suggestions how to make it more stable? Would writing over files from 8.0 work?

Good karma+1 vote