I am a retard and it took me 20 years to figure this out!...

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Week 12, I feel my work is degrading or that I need to pick up more skills...

I am blundering around in the dark, but if you put a spotlight on something I will go and look at it. :p

# Adeptus titanicus

Adeptus titanicus knights?

Emperor class titans?

Electro Priests Squads?
Servitor Squads?
Adeptus Titanicus guard?
Techpriest squads?
Adeptus Titanicus Marines?

# Blood Angels

Librarian Dreadnought?
Blood fist claws and lightning claws(Blood talons) done so far. :)

# Chaos

Tower of skulls?

Nurgle aligned terms?
Plague Ogryn?
Pallaquin riding plague marines?
Nurgle DP?
Plague tower?
Nurgle Plague Banner bearer?
Blight Drones?

Chaos hounds?
Aligned hounds?

Chaos demagogues?
Aligned Chaos demagogues?

Chaos Magus?
Aligned Magus?

Aligned Cultists?
-Khorne cultist, in the works, Pic sent. :)
-Slaneesh cultist, in the works, Pic sent.
-Nurgle Cultist, in the works, Pic sent. :)
-Tzeentch Cultist, not likely, as they are more likely to be turned into thralls. :p
-If you have any documentation that shows Tzeentch Cultists I would be happy to be directed to it. :)

Aligned Acolytes?
Lead the cultist covens, :p

Cult Icon bearers?
Aligned Cult Icon bearers?

Aligned beastmen?

Imperial cars?
Brass scorpion of khorne?
Blood slaughterer?
Dreadclaw assault pod?
Juggernaught riding bezerkers?
Chaos androids?

Slaneesh sorcerer? Done. :)
Well there was some helm change and a tex change to make it stand out compared to the minimal changes to the Tzeentch sorcerer. :p
Psychic power descriptions provided along with template examples.
-beam of slaneesh
-fleshy curse
-Pavane of slaneesh

Nurgle sorcerer?
Mesh changes.
I tried to get the fly shape inside the helm arch.
I morphed the Staff into a scythe shaped staff.
Whats the 2nd staff for? Should i replace that too?
Tex Changes.
Well the shoulder pad is the first thing you will notice.
And there was a tex change of the helm by moving uvws. I am pretty happy with the front of the helm but a little let down about the back of the helm.
This is a potential to transform into the GUO. Like the bloodthirster did in soustorm. Instead of just deep striking it. :)
It goes along the lines of the slaneesh sorcerer. In case we wanted to have a separate sorcerer after alignment is chosen.
Psychic power descriptions provided along with template examples.
-Miasma of pestilence
-Aura of decay
-Plague wind
-Stream of corruption

Tzeentch psychic powers have been added in as well as the template examples. :)
-Pink fire of tzeentch
-boon of tzeentch
-tzeentch firestorm
-Bolt of change

Choosing khorne alignment.
Might I suggest all psykers are sacrificed in your army when khorne is chosen?

Khorne Blood champion?
-Instead of a sorceror for Khorne after alignment, might I suggest a blood champion almost as tough as the khorne lord? Emporers champion style of play.
Built at the sacrifical circle?
-Feeding on the corpses of the slain, causing him to stop after each combat and feed regaining health as he does? Automatically recharging his abilities?
=Bloodied frenzy?
Giving him the speed of quickening from the marines?
=Bloodthirsters strength?
Giving him a similar skill to daemon strength?
=Blood feast?
Giving him the capacity to regain health/ability recharge, while doing nothing?
-an animation of bloody mist rising up to his helm. Or alternately surrounded in a mist of blood rising from a corpse/ground.
Weapons: Two handed axe of khorne, rescaled. :) Done. :p

# Eldar


Guardian Storm.
Or at least that is what I am trying to pass it off as.
It is only missing the flamer. No big loss.
Out of the 3rd ed codex.
This is just incase we cant get a better one from else where. :p


# Grey knights

GK Term. Brother captain?
GK Term. Apothecary?
GK Term. Librarian?
GK Term. Brotherhood banner bearer? Done. :) I left the other weapons on there incase someone decided to have the palladins be able to capture objectives. :p

GK Power. Castellan?

GK Nemisis Dreadknight

# Guard


death strike missile launcher
Psyker battle squad?
Leman russ annihilator?

# Harlequins

Avatar to the laughing god?
Death Jesters independant?

Shadowlock Upgrade:
#1 Shadowlock?
#2 high warlock?
Easiest way I can think of representing both miniatures in game without needing more spaces to build them. :)

Shadowseer independent?
mocking bird?

# Marines


Force axe? Done for the lexicanum, but not tex'd correctly.
-Might i suggest the Lexicanum have the sword upgrade before he gets to go to codicier?
That way the Lexicanum gets the axe to sword
The Codicier gets the Sword to staff.
The epistolary gets the sword to staff.
The chief librarian gets the sword to staff of just staff.
-Mix and match mesh's as you see fit. :p
=As you will easily see I am having issues with the texture layers being assigned to a single mesh. Whether its my insanity of knowledge about the max texturing. or this is a common thing?
Any tips would be appreciated as I can see you lads can get it right. :) Please? :p

I had to fix the texture of the sword of the codicier as well. If you are wondering why I sent it too. Somewhere the uvw got lost from its map assignment. :p

Landraider terminus ultra?
Seige dreadnought?

# Necrons.

Sci-fi necrons?

Necron Lord upgrades...
#1 Necron Lord Bronze?
#2 Necron Lord Silver?
#3 Necron Lord Gold?

With the 1/2/3 amount i mentioned last time it would be that there would be 3 buildable bronze lords.
2 upgradable to silver.
from the 2 silver lords, one would be upgradable to gold. :)
In the end leaving you with one lord of each colour as well as a destroyer lord which is something totally different. :)

Builder tomb spyder?

# Orks

Turrets/Listening posts:
#4 ?????????????????
#7 ????????????????
-Zap gun?
#8 ????????????????

Mega deff dread?

Teleporta? To build/teleport the largest vehicles down from a hulk?
Kill Krusha?

Grot tanks?

Squig market building?
Squig riding grotz?
Squig herder?
Gargantuan Squiggoth?

Weirdboy tower?
Where you build weird boy vehicles and units as well as Mad boyz?
Weirdboyz upgrade?
-Weirdboy warphead?
Weird battle tower?
Mad boyz?
Psychic power descriptions provided along with template examples.

Klawstompa / Mek Pile?
- I feel this should be a building intially that could be upgradable to build a Mekboss KlawStmopa?
The buidling would produce Mek Boyz/boss and spanna boyz and Mek vehicles. Like below.
Like the lootas hut I can see the mekboss using a mobile units for field repairs and builds. The Klawstompa could be fitted with chains/pulleys/winches to better represent what it is used for.
A mekboss is bound to have a mobile fortress that has combat abilities.
Mek boss?
-Has shok attak gun and kustom force field options?
Mekboy Speedsta?
Mekboy Bubblechucka speedsta?
Mekboy Lifta Droppa Speedsta?
-build list suggestion:
Mek Runts/Spanna Boy/Mek Boy/Mek Boss.
Mekboy Speedsta/BubbleChukka/Lifta droppa..

Traktor Kannon?

Pulsa rokkits?

Mega Lootas.
Loota bikes.
Looted baneblade.
Which to do?

Speed freaks Hut?

Pain boss?
Just an upgraded version of a pain boy.

Wild boyz?


# Sisters


Cyber Dove?

Arvus Lighter?
2 hours for the mesh.
6 hours to generate the tex for the body and try and colour it, LoL. :p
Am I a noob or what?
Or is that the standard time it takes to do a texure?
Arvus lighter I could see being used to drop in the sisters turrets.
Arvus lighter could also be used to deep strike sisters squads. :)
Or atleast that is how I see the arvus lighter being used.
This is built from primitives and a bit rough. :)

Angelic living saint?
Here is some tex mix up i put together after getting my textures sorted out.
You might need to recompile DDS into DXT1 in the program I mention below about textures.
Errr If you do do this You might need to vertically flip the image :)
Ability for the cannoness? Now the religious dude has the angels. :P

Sister Crusader / Sister Elohiem?
Basicaly a retex'd sisters angel.
Same with the angelic living saint it might need to have the DDS generated in the aforementioned tools into DDS, DXT1, I believe. :p

# Tau

Remote sensor towers?

Tau titan from white dwarf?
Its a slow process. :p

Tau Xv-101?

Tigershark variants?

# Tyranids

Mycetic spore opening?
Winged Hive tyrant?
Winged warriors?
Winged rippers?

# Xtra

# Fences

Most of the walls I sent in till now would most likely seem like fences instead of walls, compared to the imperial walls. :p

# Defensive walls

Dark eldar, I am resending the dark eldar defensive walls as I found a texture issue with it and it has been corrected. :)
I sort of like the lighter eldar walls, as they are like the eldar dainty. :)
But its not up to me. :p

Eldar, Okay I know they arent big and bulky like the imperial walls.
But they are more dainty and eldanesh.
Similar design to the dark eldar with pillars aligned along a path.
Instead of the glow in between. I see Lazer beams. :p If some what fuzzy lazer beams. :p
I am thinking the eldar should be light defensive walls as they already have the invisibility capacity err infiltration for buildings.
Just like dark eldar do. :p

Necron defensive walls I found in the necron pylons/pillars. The ones that have the ability research of chronometron and viel of darkness.
The viel combined with the chronometron are great for slowing down troops when backed up with a line of turrets, its makes them very messy. :) So for the necrons I would be happy to use the advanced built pylons as a defensive wall. :)
One exception is the pylon isnt upgradable to give a greater health value? Would that be possible to give it the similar game play to the Other walls in other races?

# Fortress walls

Dark Eldar. Stronger glow between the bone pillars?

Eldar. More fuzzy lazer beams.. :p

Necron, A brighter glow to the pylon.

# Fortified walls

Dark Eldar a better glow and extra glow for the field between the pillars?

Eldar, fuzzy Lazer beams all over the place?

Necrons. Brighter glow to the pylons so the glows overlap between aligned pylons.

# Textures

24 bit .tga
0 alphas... This might be it.
512^2 not that that makes any difference.

Same as all my textures.

I just extracted the textures under texture tool(TextureTool_1.9) and found that they all got 1 alpha channel.
that could be the issue.
And texture tool extracted all the dds and tga at once, much faster then spookys. :p

!!!Danger!!! As it gets screwy when I tried to do the sisters folder. :p Some of the DDS/DXT3 tex come out bad and other dds didnt come out at all initially. :p

okay after reading the TextureTool_1.9 readme.. I found that the dds for soulstorm has dxt3 as well as dxt1/dxt5 unlike the rest of the game.
meaning that if you have to use the dds to recompile the model its a no go. :(
Unless you go to Photoshop and generate a dds from the desired tga first.

I am assuming you would need to use....
Mediafire.com - the .dds plugin, enables you to save your files straight to .dds.

And like the tut says to...
save as
(DXT5, generate mipmaps)

"Which is strange as all the DDS I found are DXT1 and they are working for you." :)

As mentioned on the relic forum at....
How to make Custom Decals (Picture Heavy)
-It is mainly a gimp tut, but it looks like it works in Photoshop as well.

Nvidia has a DL for dds processing in Photoshop.
Beware there are required Dlls that need to go in your system folder so be sure to get them too or you will have the problem I have at the moment of non functional DDS utilities. :p
I got everything else but the DLLs. :p
So when i get the dlls, paintshop pro and photoshop will be able to work with DDS. :p

So I am assuming it is the dds that needs to be fixed up. As the tga seem good to go.

spookys rsh extractor extracts all dds as DXT1 as "deep exploration" tells me.

Texture tool 1.9 extracts soulstorm dds as DXT1/DXT3/DXT5. texture tool needs work and I had to try extraction multiple times before i got them all extracted correctly. :p

Until I get the .dds plugin working. Which will update all of my image preocessing programs I cant be any more precise. Sorry. :p
I should have it in the next few days.

I have to assume that the dds needs to be in the same folder as the tga and that could be why I cant burn. anything. :P
One of many things it could be. :p
Welp i fixed that up with the tau and still couldnt burn so it must be the .net v2.

=Dark eldar *.dds
everything seems to be DXT1 besides the...

Which explains why I couldnt get darkeldar_plasmageneratorglow in the listening post when I tried to extract it through spookys RSH tools. I got it now. :p

=Sisters *.dds, this is messy as, man. :p

everything besides below. :)



DXT1 should work okay for you. But DXT3/DXT5 could give you belly aches.
So if you recompile them with the tool above into DXT1 It should be alright. ;)
I actually dont know if this will work as I am unable to test it yet. :p

Okay I command lined up some new dds in dxt5 and dxt1a...
DXT1A accomodated the alpha channel that the textures tell me they have. :)

I didnt specify the alpha channel yet, so there still could be issues, but this should stop your max from crashing, I hope. :p
there is a DXT1c that has no alpha channel and I dont think that is it. :p

I have tested the dxt1a through several file assesors and there seems to be no difference from the extracted files with the older dawn of war, under deep exploration and another lil tool i picked up. :) So the dxt1a should work well. :) I am sending the dxt5 just incase. And as i dont know the specifics of what 3dsmax needs, from being a noob. :p

I notice that some of the mods use DXT5 for thier dds and that seemed to work for them.

So if it is only dxt3 in the dark eldar that is giving you issues, I can assume you are trying to get the eldar listening post to render up and with the darkeldar_plasmageneratorglow DDS being dxt3 that might be the issue. ;)

what would be nice is if you could tell me what type of dds you all are using? as I can generate these types of dds....
-dxt1c : DXT1 (color only)
-dxt1a : DXT1 (one bit alpha)
-dxt3 : DXT3
-dxt5 : DXT5
-u1555 : uncompressed 1:5:5:5
-u4444 : uncompressed 4:4:4:4
-u565 : uncompressed 5:6:5
-u8888 : uncompressed 8:8:8:8
-u888 : uncompressed 0:8:8:8
-u555 : uncompressed 0:5:5:5
-p8c : paletted 8 bit (256 colors)
-p8a : paletted 8 bit (256 colors with alpha)
-p4c : paletted 4 bit (16 colors)
-p4a : paletted 4 bit (16 colors with alpha)
-a8 : 8 bit alpha channel
-cxv8u8 : normal map format
-v8u8 : EMBM format (8, bit two component signed)
-v16u16 : EMBM format (16 bit, two component signed)
-A8L8 : 8 bit alpha channel, 8 bit luminance
-fp32x4 : fp32 four channels (A32B32G32R32F)
-fp32 : fp32 one channel (R32F)
-fp16x4 : fp16 four channels (A16B16G16R16F)
-dxt5nm : dxt5 style normal map
-g16r16 : 16 bit in, two component
-g16r16f : 16 bit float, two components

just a couple. :p

deep exploration will tell you straight away what type of dds it is in the middle of the window it will say. DXT1 / DXT3 / DXT5.

# Burning back into the game.

I will put more time into seeing if I can get these tools to burn from 3ds max and through OE.

I will also try creating rsh and wtp through the texure tool. :)

# Seducing other model developers into the team

Is there any chance we could seduce other model developers into the team? So I can go on meshing stuff up? LoL :P As it seems to be my level of achievability at the moment. Rofl. :)

# Similarities between DOW and 2nd ed 40k

There is a troops section in DOW as 2nd ed had a troops section to its models and they had to make up more than 25%+ of the army.

There is a vehicle section to DOW as there was also a support section to second ed. and it had to be less then 50% of the army. :p

There was a character section in 2nd ed. There also seems to be a character section in DOW as certain characters dont use population and they are still producible.
In 2nd ed under 50% of your army was allowed to be characters.
Might I suggest a comparable system be used in the apocalypse mod?

Even the sisters race is reminiscent of 2nd ed gameplay. With the addition of the new sisters units.

# Dawn of war and 3rd/4th/5th ed gameplay.

To achieve the game conditions of the editions mentioned.
All units would need to be put on combined build limitations.
2 sections.
Character Cap.
2 unit cap
Units in cap combination would be
Command squads cap.
2 unit cap
Units in cap combination would be
Command squad
Van/stern guard.
3 unit cap.
Units in cap combination would be
Van/Stern Guard
Ven. Dreadnoughts
Techmarine + servitors
6 unit cap.
Units in cap combination would be
6 unit cap
Units in cap combination would be
-Fast attack
3 units cap.
Units in cap combination would be
Land speeders
3 units cap.
Units in cap combination would be

With this cap system the game play would be more like ed 3/4/5 which is what I think Fok is trying to do but failing. :(
As they are changing the population cost of vehicles instead of putting the unit types into collaborative caps.
If you know anyone in the Fok mod you might want to suggest this to them and it might help get greater co-operation out of the FOK Modders. :) For getting stuff into apocalypse. :)

Keeping the original Unit pop costs and changing to the collaborative build caps. Would give them a better outcome in their combat results at the end of the game and also make the game look more professional then the 3 vehicle cap issue they have at the moment.

Or if anyone in the mod knows of any FOK modders, they might suggest this to them and they could get better assistance for the Apocalypse mod, from the FOK Mod. :p

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