You can ask me anything, Wont answer anyway :)

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 33)
RockSt4r - - 33 comments @ CK2:AGOT 0.9.1 BETA - Zipped Files

They updated the game to 2.3 now you cant play this mod until the newer version arrives, should be today, no idea which specific time but today.

Sincerely RockSt4r

Good karma+2 votes
RockSt4r - - 33 comments @ Crusader Kings 2: A Game of Thrones (CK2:AGOT)

"MFG" btw means something like


Good karma+2 votes
RockSt4r - - 33 comments @ Crusader Kings 2: A Game of Thrones (CK2:AGOT)

Got the same, we need to wait until the new version gets out, kinda ****** cause I want to play.


Good karma+2 votes
RockSt4r - - 33 comments @ A Clash of Kings 1.3

There is no specific reason, maybe your Internet connection isn´t great or a host like "rapidshare" has a limit so you buy a premium account to download faster. (Not Cozurs fault.)

Good karma+3 votes
RockSt4r - - 33 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

"Some prison scenes are bugged."

I reported it long ago, is already in bug reports.

Good karma+1 vote
RockSt4r - - 33 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

There is the section "Bug Reports"

Maybe look before asking?

Good karma+3 votes
RockSt4r - - 33 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

You pirated the game... just buy it.

Good karma+3 votes
RockSt4r - - 33 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

Just start playing all the versions, dont wait on the next one because maybe 1.3 is a bit larger and 1.4 is a small change and you waited useless, play 1.2 and if 1.3 is out just play 1.2 until you are finished with conquering, murdering and what is left.

Later you have time for 1.3

Long speech short meaning: Play the newest version now and dont wait to the next one. If it comes out weeks later you can still play the old one and change after doing what you want.

Good karma+1 vote
RockSt4r - - 33 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

already in bug reports, I messaged him long ago.

Good karma+3 votes
RockSt4r - - 33 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

Yeah , thats totally what I meant.

Good karma-1 votes
RockSt4r - - 33 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

I understand the desire for features from all of you , but please do not always bring many new features, Cozur is doing what he wants and thinks what is best for us (Just a few words for you , U no h8 me for that)


The Armies often have a Marshal, You can see it when the other armies are following one person, like their status says "following x"

x=person who gets followed

They only have one in war, if they arent they act independently.

Good karma0 votes
RockSt4r - - 33 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

Adjust the settings, try something with them, worked for me.

Good karma+2 votes
RockSt4r - - 33 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

About what especially?, Unsullied Yes sure,

Both versions, sure too

Good karma+1 vote
RockSt4r - - 33 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

Play both, its more then worth to do it.

But dont expect to get the 1.1 save into 1.2 when its finally out but Cozur has all the time he needs and wants, I dont like it to give pressure just because we have no life.

But better do not get some Unsullied, I got about 500 Unsullied and took King´s Landing defended by 800 Soldiers while just losing about 10-20 Unsullied so you can play trough the whole game with them.

Good karma+3 votes
RockSt4r - - 33 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

@ torbinskiy11 He is trolling you hard, and there is no targaryen faction to play for , FAQ pls.

@m14kill Good job buddy, FAQ is for such questions :)

Good karma+1 vote
RockSt4r - - 33 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

Try adjusting the settings, worked for me with nvdidia.

Good karma+1 vote
RockSt4r - - 33 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

I have a nvidia graphic card and with my nvidia geforce experience / where I adjust graphic settings for some games the experience program is compatible with, I adjusted the settings to perfect "Perfect means the right settings for my PC" Everytime my game crashed there but the time I set the settings back to standard it startet working fine for me.

"Runtime Error thingy was my crash error".

Adjust your settings in the launcher options menu and if possible Cozur answer him if you know if there is some kind of mistake I did so he doesnt ruin his life because he lost his savegame.

Good karma+1 vote
RockSt4r - - 33 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

Like thevegimobil said , you appoint someone to be your manager (Doing diplomacy and stuff) say him to recruit a new member, the one for war/troops and stuff and at him you can recruit like maximum 50 troops with each recruiter while you can have 2 recruiter in castles 4 in cities (Some castles or cities have other numbers) This recruiter goes to the selected village of as example Riverlands and recruits like you could do if he is finished getting those 10-50 troops he runs back to your castle and you got them. ( The recruiters can be killed by raiders and bandits etc. so you need to protect him or make sure there is no bandit around him)

Good karma+1 vote
RockSt4r - - 33 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

Im not sure, but try to go to the father-in-law I think there is some kind of option to start it.

Good karma+1 vote
RockSt4r - - 33 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

Probably , your taxes . They are too high.

Good karma+1 vote
RockSt4r - - 33 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

Yes add points in Strength, it should solve the problem.

Good karma+2 votes
RockSt4r - - 33 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

Explain which crash, just then you can get help.

Good karma+1 vote
RockSt4r - - 33 comments @ Overview

FAQ, they are raiding around where they should be in pretty good numbers, 50 or something like that

Good karma+1 vote
RockSt4r - - 33 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

Yes, Iam able to play it, why?

Good karma+1 vote
RockSt4r - - 33 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

I got this savegame error where the trigger is 43 and it exceeds 42 so I have this problem because I took the savegame from my old computer and put it on my new one and since then I have this error, it occurs only on this save but it was version 1.1 all along so There is no version error in my opinion.

Good karma+1 vote
RockSt4r - - 33 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

I think it is because the taxes, if you have them too high the relationship goes down.

Good karma+1 vote
RockSt4r - - 33 comments @ Cozur

You have a copirated version of the game, if you downloaded it illegaly then get off this modpage :) good day.

Good karma+1 vote
RockSt4r - - 33 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

Hey I got this savegame error where it says my savegame has 43 something and 42 is needed, " tried to put old pc savegames to the new pc, still the same version of the game (1.1).

Good karma+1 vote
RockSt4r - - 33 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

I understand that but, look into the FAQ, Cozur did this on purpose to see If Guys pirating the game and so he does that error If you pirate it so you can´t play.

Good karma+1 vote
RockSt4r - - 33 comments @ A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

You pirated the game or got a pirated version of the Game.

Good karma+3 votes