Currently an UI/Design/Art Intern at Flying Lab Software. Graduated Dec. 2009 for Media Arts and Animation. Interested in pushing her game ideas, and currently working on assets/design(s) for two different original IP games of hers with several others.

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Pyre Team and other updates

Rekindle Blog

So it's been a while since my last blog!

Updating now and probably more to come as things have shifted around a lot since my last post. I was interning at a company called Flying Lab Software, and continued to work there for about a year and a half. YES! They finally hired me, but last year the company let a whole lot of us go myself included.

At FLS I was apart of the Bakugan Dimensions team, which was a F2P MMO. I'll try to post some art up here soon to reflect the work done there.

Being let go was hard, it was the first company to do anything of the sort to me and it was also my first full time job in the industry. What I did not expect though was the ever-shifting currents of the industry in which many of the people let go had to find something else instead. So much talent wasted because the industry isn't evolving enough for the amount of passionate people wanting to break in or stay in.

PYRE, is a project in which me and a few other solid, professional people are on right now and hopefully it will help demonstrate that the industry is missing out on a lot of talent and ideas with their hiring and firing practices in this day and age.

It's been awesome working on PYRE, the team members are all super keen, but obviously it's a lot of work. Right now I'm the only Environment Artist and Designer among other things soo if you think you'd be a good fit let me or PYRE know!

Other than that it's important to say I'm constantly working on improving my skills and myself for the prospect of Games and Game Art/Design. Even when you find yourself out of work you have to keep working out whatever creative muscles you have to stay in shape lol.



Update :) (sorry for those who sent messages!)

Rekindle Blog

So it has been a while since I last updated, or even looked at MODDB...and for that I have to apologize to people who sent kind offers for concept art and were met with silence.

Life has been hectic, I wound up gaining a job as an 'Artist' over at the studio I interned with and working on a game that launched along with a few secret projects along the way. It's all dandy and there is not much for me to complain about at this time other than my desire to find out what 'kind' of artist I really want to be. Helping out with whatever I can do or bleed for (figuratively speaking) is all well and good, but it pains me to not be as focused and determined with my own artistic path.

Currently the areas I've been able to help with include:

UI art and asset creation (development and pipeline work in general)
World design and implementation
Concept Art (officially got a few concepts accepted by our studio's client for avatar assets)
Video Compositing
'Pitch Helper' ((Getting to manage and help make a game designers' idea realized in various ways and mediums for a pitch or other presentation))
Localization and String-Key 'helper'

And probably a bit of other things as well....

Right now my confidence for concept art is shot, and so I am going to be attempting/re approaching 3d characters or asset creation....I'm highly interested in working with someone who may be willing to work with me on a very 'intern' like relationship so I can adapt and get a feel for the 3d pipeline for creating models and texture painting for those models.

Any who cheers to whoever reads this!



Rekindle Blog

I think I've finally found some tidbits as to what to put here in my first blog.

First off, obviously, speaking about myself isn't something I like to do, but it's vital if people want to know and connect with me (And Vice Versa!).

Right now I'm interning at a company called Flying Lab Software and doing just about a-z in terms of jobs and capabilities. Call it luck, because that's exactly what landed me in the industry and I'm working my tail off (for no pay no less) to keep it.

I hope to meet a lot of people here who know about implementing level designs and models and such into a a MOD situation, either for fun, or in my case to create the first step to getting to making a pitch-able title complete with a rough cut of gameplay to devs.

This site has very nice layouts, and I found a German Mod here a while ago that exposed me to this site anyways (it was really a nice mod with intricate designs). However there are so many other sites I've gotta keep up with lately as well.

Here are some links to some of my stuff

My personal site
My DeviantArt Account
ConceptArt.Org sketchbook

As for personal projects i try to work on the side stuff every day right along side my 20-40 hr per week internship, it's a bit tough but you have to have passion right? Luckily I have a guy for sfx and sounds in general (dialogue and music), and a buddy of mine for rigging and maybe some modeling/animation as well.

Thinking about hiring coders when the time comes, but obviously there's a lot more we've gotta do before thinking about putting this together via mod or what not. Really glad that Unreal is releasing a free version of it's engine for nonprofit sorts of stuff that will help as well, not to mention I can gather money to purchase a license whilst learning and working on the engine at the same time.

That's about it!!

When I get free time, I've been playing God of War II (to prep for God of War III's release next month!)

Cheers and nice meeting/greetings to anyone who reads!
