RSS Reviews

Half-Rats: A Fever Dream

Mod review

Innovative concept, design, dialogue and voice acting. The experience itself falls a bit short, however still enjoyable and shows great potential.



Mod review may contain spoilers

Quality and immersion are the best words I can think about to describe Paranoia.
From the very beginning it is already shown the attention put on the detail at all levels, from the historical references (such as an officer remembering with sadness the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan, or a diary entry describing the experiences lived by a Spetznaz operative during the Breslan school terrorist attack) to the scenario design. Every single second is worth to remember, it feels like it was created by expert analyzers on military life. The radio communications coordinating an assault were one of the many things that made me stick the face to the monitor and turn the volume so high I almost couldn´t hear anything after playing.


Battle of Empires : 1914-1918

Game review

Dynamic Campaign Generator (DCG)

Mod review

Truly increases the challenge and adds aswell unlimited hours to the original games. This mod is a must-have for the Men of War series.


Cry of Fear

Game review

Cry of Fear is arguably the best mod I´ve ever enjoyed. For me it is much more than just that, I consider it one of the best things that happened to genre of survial-horror when it was dying (sadly already dead by now..). The plot, soundtrack and atmosphere takes it to the level of the best Silent Hill games, again just my opinion.
More than all the mentioned Cry of Fear opened my eyes, once again, at the time I played it. That year (2014) I realized how the essence of the real horror genre didn´t exist anymore, being Sient Hill: Shattered Memories (2009) what I considered to be the last authentic experience. With such a disappointing outlook I was losing hope to ever find anything close to that essence, until Steam showed me Cry of Fear. After all this and finishing the game I came to a conclusion: the modding community had the power to do big things, to revive a dead genre killed by the industry.
The people who did Cry of Fear deserve a lot, yet they did everything just because they shared the love for this genre. They had the power to create a full experience and put hell a lot of effort on it. It is amazing how a small group could make such a big work and get thousands of us to the good old days.