Marathon Runner, Wargame Designer, Game Enthusiast.

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The Lunar Empire

Onionking Blog

The battle for Dragon Pass was only the smallest part of the grand tapestry of Glorantha. On a level of strategic//tactical complexity akin to Advanced Squad Leader and World in Flames, players will either strive to maintain and expand the glow of the Lunar Empire, or will take up the mantle of one of the many powerful neighboring enemies.
Countless neutral parties, ravaging dragons, powerful artificers, looming giants, hellhounds, independent kingdoms can all be approached and recruited. Be wary though, as your emissary always has a chance of being--eaten--and the locations for diplomacy are usually some distance into the wilderness. Time is always of the essence!
Many side scenarios exist, either to played at the same time as the grand campaign, or seperately, to gather a feel for the system, as well as to more fully engage the player in the details of the particular events and history of the world.
Such as: The civil war in Heortland. The gathering of the clans in Prax. Stemming the hordes of chaos in Caladraland. Individual clashes between elements of the Lunar Empire and its neighbors. Herobands, where the player only controls a stack of *gasp* heroes, and can sell their allegiances to the highest bidder.
(After spending 300+ hours researching, calculating, estimating, triangulating, the map of the Lunar Empire is done and should be considered gospel. Every single source on the net was scoured, every map drawn was studied and plotted. At the same scale as Dragon Pass, the map spread out on my floor measures eight metres long by three metres high, drawn out by hand with a hex template onto pieces of cardboard as I wanted the maps to last. They're in storage now but I will have them out by Dec 20th and will post pictures and probably a video)

Game Idea Depository post I

Onionking Blog

As ideas come to me about game types etc. I shall now have a place to quckly jot them down. Certainly hope this is all copasetic.

Anyways, inspired by memories of Traveller: space opera when I was young and the very detailed characterization involving lots of rolling that simulated your career in whatever profession you had chosen.
So I would like to see a game where:
The universe is procedurally generated ala Dwarf Fortress. By this I mean an entire history is created for each individual universe. With any number of alien races all struggling throughout history with varied alliances conquests and annihilations.

As a player your chosen profession would drastically change the way the game is presented and played. A marine would be required to over-see tactical hex-based planetary conquests, an admiral wouild be in charge of fleets, the diplomat, the spy, the merchant, the scientist, the pirate. All the arch-types. \

Would also be great to see the results of one game echo in another. If each game take places in a linear fashion then factors from many game sessions can be incorporated with a richer game history evolving each time.

One Game a Week

Onionking Blog

Oh so many games to play, so little time. Dwarf fortress has eaten away almost three months of my time, and I still haven't founded a kingdom worthy enough of note. Well, one of my Orc forts has fifteen legendary fighters that rip apart anything assails them, but the rest of the fort is beginning to starve.

So many of the games demand a fairly significant portion of brain power to figure out the strategy needed toenjoy them. Crusader Kings II, Sins of Solar Empire, Distant Worlds, Eador, Cross of Iron, etc. Have so many games in my library that require time to play. Ahhh glorious. And new material is constantly being released at a rate that increases the backlog.

And then I bought a White Dwarf at Games Workshop, and fell in love with Warhammer all over again, and my compulsion to own every army book and a significant sized force of (of course) every army. My Chaos is at 5000 points, my Orcs and Goblins are at 4000 points, Skaven at 4000 pts. Bretonnia at 3000 pts. Dwarfs at 3000 pts. and everyone else around 1000 points. Ohhh, around $20000 spent over the last 25 years.