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Comment History
nikthegreekorig - - 17 comments @ China

I agree but the whole truth is that we under world government as Eric Dubay had said at and numerous other videos and books.

Good karma+1 vote
nikthegreekorig - - 17 comments @ Gulf of Oman - 64 Coop

there should be /objects/weapons/stationary not /objects/stationary

Good karma+3 votes
nikthegreekorig - - 17 comments @ Gulf of Oman - 64 Coop

Where do you find /bf2editor/Content/Objects/Common/DefaultEnvMap.con and several run /objects/stationary items in your StaticObjects.con?

And why you keep delete some of the game modes on your map fixes?

eg. coop should have all game modes for 16, 32 and 64 players. Also gpm_cq conquest sp2 sp3 etc.

Good karma+2 votes
nikthegreekorig - - 17 comments @ Battlefield 2: BAD COMPANY [V1.9.0] - Latest Demo Release

Start in windows mode (adding parameters +szx xxx +szy xxx to the shortcut link) and push right most button around 12 times to continue.
On full screen mode, when texture load message appear, press alt-tab click the bf2 error window in windows bar and do the same.

Good karma+1 vote
nikthegreekorig - - 17 comments @ Battlefield 2: BAD COMPANY [V1.9.0] - Latest Demo Release

bc2\Shaders_client\PortedMenuShader.fx needs to changed in Windows XP to:
#line 2 "PortedMenuShader.fx"

float4x4 mWorld : matWORLD;
float4x4 mView : matVIEW;
float4x4 mProj : matPROJ;

bool bAlphaBlend : ALPHABLEND = false;

bool bAlphaTest : ALPHATEST = false;
dword dwAlphaFunc : ALPHAFUNC = D3DCMP_GREATER;
dword dwAlphaRef : ALPHAREF = 0;

dword dwZEnable : ZMODE = D3DZB_TRUE;
bool bZWriteEnable : ZWRITEENABLE = true;

texture texture0: TEXLAYER0;
texture texture1: TEXLAYER1;

sampler sampler0Clamp = sampler_state { Texture = (texture0); AddressU = CLAMP; AddressV = CLAMP; MinFilter = LINEAR; MagFilter = LINEAR; MipFilter = LINEAR; };
sampler sampler1Clamp = sampler_state { Texture = (texture1); AddressU = CLAMP; AddressV = CLAMP; MinFilter = LINEAR; MagFilter = LINEAR; MipFilter = LINEAR; };
sampler sampler1Wrap = sampler_state { Texture = (texture1); AddressU = WRAP; AddressV = WRAP; MinFilter = LINEAR; MagFilter = LINEAR; MipFilter = LINEAR; };

struct APP2VS
float4 Pos : POSITION;
float4 Col : COLOR;
float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0;
float2 Tex2 : TEXCOORD1;

struct VS2PS
float4 Pos : POSITION;
float4 Col : COLOR;
float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0;
float2 Tex2 : TEXCOORD1;

VS2PS vsFFP(APP2VS indata)
VS2PS outdata;

float4x4 mWVP = mWorld * mView * mProj;
outdata.Pos = mul(indata.Pos, mWVP);
outdata.Col = indata.Col;
outdata.Tex = indata.Tex;
outdata.Tex2 = indata.Tex2;

return outdata;

float4 psQuadWTexNoTex(VS2PS indata) : COLOR
return indata.Col;

float4 psQuadWTexOneTex(VS2PS indata) : COLOR
return indata.Col * tex2D(sampler0Clamp, indata.Tex);

float4 psQuadWTexOneTexMasked(VS2PS indata) : COLOR
float4 outcol = indata.Col * tex2D(sampler0Clamp, indata.Tex);
// outcol *= tex2D(sampler1Clamp, indata.Tex2);
outcol.a *= tex2D(sampler1Clamp, indata.Tex2).a;
return outcol;

technique Menu{pass{}}
technique Menu_States <bool Restore = true;> {
pass BeginStates {

pass EndStates {

technique QuadWithTexture
int Declaration[] =
// StreamNo, DataType, Usage, UsageIdx
pass notex
// App alpha/depth settings
AlphaBlendEnable = (bAlphaBlend);
SrcBlend = (dwSrcBlend);
DestBlend = (dwDestBlend);
AlphaTestEnable = (bAlphaTest);
AlphaFunc = (dwAlphaFunc);
AlphaRef = (dwAlphaRef);
ZEnable = (dwZEnable);
ZFunc = (dwZFunc);
ZWriteEnable = (bZWriteEnable);

VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 vsFFP();
PixelShader = compile ps_1_1 psQuadWTexNoTex();

pass tex
// App alpha/depth settings
AlphaBlendEnable = (bAlphaBlend);
SrcBlend = (dwSrcBlend);
DestBlend = (dwDestBlend);
AlphaTestEnable = (bAlphaTest);
AlphaFunc = (dwAlphaFunc);
AlphaRef = (dwAlphaRef);
ZEnable = (dwZEnable);
ZFunc = (dwZFunc);
ZWriteEnable = (bZWriteEnable);

VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 vsFFP();
PixelShader = compile ps_1_1 psQuadWTexOneTex();

pass masked
// App alpha/depth settings
AlphaBlendEnable = (bAlphaBlend);
SrcBlend = (dwSrcBlend);
DestBlend = (dwDestBlend);
AlphaTestEnable = (bAlphaTest);
AlphaFunc = (dwAlphaFunc);
AlphaRef = (dwAlphaRef);
ZEnable = (dwZEnable);
ZFunc = (dwZFunc);
ZWriteEnable = (bZWriteEnable);

VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 vsFFP();
PixelShader = compile LOWPSMODEL psQuadWTexOneTexMasked();

technique QuadCache
int Declaration[] =
// StreamNo, DataType, Usage, UsageIdx
pass p0
AlphaBlendEnable = FALSE;
AlphaTestEnable = TRUE;
AlphaFunc = GREATER;
AlphaRef = 0;
ZEnable = TRUE;
ZFunc = LESS;
ZWriteEnable = TRUE;
TextureFactor = 0xFFFFFFFF;

// App pixel settings
ColorOp[0] = ADD;
ColorArg1[0] = TEXTURE;
ColorArg2[0] = TFACTOR;
ColorOp[1] = MODULATE;
ColorArg1[1] = CURRENT;
ColorArg2[1] = DIFFUSE;
ColorOp[2] = DISABLE;
AlphaOp[0] = ADD;
AlphaArg1[0] = TEXTURE;
AlphaArg2[0] = TFACTOR;
AlphaOp[1] = MODULATE;
AlphaArg1[1] = CURRENT;
AlphaArg2[1] = DIFFUSE;
AlphaOp[2] = DISABLE;

Texture[0] = (texture0);
AddressU[0] = CLAMP;
AddressV[0] = CLAMP;
MipFilter[0] = LINEAR;
MinFilter[0] = LINEAR;
MagFilter[0] = LINEAR;

VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 vsFFP();
PixelShader = NULL;

to avoid the above error and start with BF2 MOD LAUNCHER.exe to have q & right click working at anti-tank to select the diopter upgrade.

Good karma+1 vote
nikthegreekorig - - 17 comments @ Battlefield 2: BAD COMPANY [V1.9.0] - Latest Demo Release

The exact error in your shaders is
Errors in effect: mods/bf2/shaders/portedmenushader.fx
PortedMenuShader.fx(493): error X5608: Compiled shader code uses too many arithmetic instruction slots (177). Max. allowed by the target (ps_2_0) is 64.
(1): error X5609: Compiled shader code uses too many instruction slots (179). Max. allowed by the target (ps_2_0) is 96.
PortedMenuShader.fx(857): ID3DXEffectCompiler::CompileEffect: There was an error compiling expression
ID3DXEffectCompiler: Compilation failed

Also please clean bc2 ServerArchives.con, ClientArchives.con and python dir which has a lot of scoringCommon - Copy (xx).py hidden thumbs.db from inside zips etc.

At least please give some information on how to lower memory requirements because even with very low resolution the game crashes when it try to load textures around 69% on map load. Can you resize some textures at lower resolution etc. in order to play in 4:3 aspect ratio with 2GB RAM?
BF2 Memory Error
memory.dll: sanity check: block size 16777220 (16.00 MB) doesn't seem sane

Good karma+1 vote
nikthegreekorig - - 17 comments @ Battlefield 2: BAD COMPANY [V1.9.0] - Latest Demo Release

It doesn't play at windows xp with 2GB RAM. After changing shaders, lowering bots count to 15 etc, I had fov from wide screen into my 4:3 monitor so the hud is half out of the screen and the perspective of the game is a fish eye lens like this one

Also, is there a possibility to unlock perks/weapons in local LAN coop mode with bots?

Good karma+1 vote
nikthegreekorig - - 17 comments @ Highway Tampa - 64 Coop

The way to solve 64 player mode is to solve first the 16 players mode. Even the original 16 players mode "Highway Tampa. Map by Dice. Navmesh by kysterama [AIX]" has problems with bots abandon vehicles without a reason along its way which seems to be a different problem from your version, in which bots does not abandon vehicles but instead stay inside the vehicle, and drive a meter forward and a meter backward endlessly.

Good karma+3 votes
nikthegreekorig - - 17 comments @ Highway Tampa - 64 Coop

I spot the problem at the coop 16 bot version near the Sharhr Urmia when vehicles came out from the US base from the exit where a armored jeep is parked parallel to the outer fence wall where this exit point is. Look at the screen shots where on the first one is show a list of US bots killed by enemy artillery and the next one, where shows 3 vehicles stuck on the same spot one vehicle next to the other.

The problem is exactly the same on and on the previous version.
Also, why at the 64 players version of a map a couple spawn points are marked as human only? setOnlyForHuman 1

Good karma+3 votes
nikthegreekorig - - 17 comments @ Battlefield 2 HARDCORE v.2.2 — NEW from inside hardcore mod 2.2 has exactly the same files as the original bf2 Compare by content shows that only a couple of bytes at the end of those wav are different. eg. version number of program which export the wav had nothing to do with the actual sound effect.
So, there is no need to load it from ClientArchives.con and it can be safely delete from this mod.

Also, why you disable the ability to repair bridges when demolished by C4 explosive?

Good karma+1 vote
nikthegreekorig - - 17 comments @ Battlefield 2 Special Forces Single Player Mod

If one have the xpack folder eg. the Special Forces mod installed, then the follow applied which also solve the non working ai commander artillery on latest official Battlefield 2 1.5 patch:

2) BF2SFSP\Levels\map_name\\GameModes\game_type\whatever\GamePlayObjects.con should be deleted and replaced by the .bak files which are sitting next to them, where map_name also exist in mods\bf2\Levels mod.
Those BF2SFSP .con files point to objects at mods/xpack folder (eg. the Special Forces mod) but the effect is the same as with the bf2 mod. So that's why the inclusion of the official SF and other files from the official xpack folder in this BF2SFSP mod. bak files were originally .con files with added .bak extension.

3) None of the and files from this BF2SFSP mod are needed as those are the same as the official bf2/SF mod.

4) Inside BF2SFSP mod folder the ServerArchives.con should be:
fileManager.mountArchive mods/bf2/ Objects
fileManager.mountArchive mods/xpack/ Objects
fileManager.mountArchive mods/xpack/ Menu
fileManager.mountArchive mods/xpack/ Common
fileManager.mountArchive mods/bf2/ Menu
fileManager.mountArchive mods/bf2/ Common
fileManager.mountArchive mods/bf2/ Objects

ClientArchives.con should be
fileManager.mountArchive mods/bf2/ Objects
fileManager.mountArchive mods/xpack/ Objects
fileManager.mountArchive mods/xpack/ Common
fileManager.mountArchive mods/xpack/ Menu
fileManager.mountArchive mods/bf2/ Common
fileManager.mountArchive mods/bf2/ Menu
fileManager.mountArchive mods/bf2/ Fonts
fileManager.mountArchive mods/bf2/ Shaders
fileManager.mountArchive mods/bf2/ Objects

That way one will be free to add at the beginning of those two files Destructible Trees and Objects, ai commander artillery, FFOLKES SF_unlocks and addons. Forgotten Hope has its own crispier which can be placed in BF2SFSP folder changing accordingly the ClientArchives.con
like fileManager.mountArchive Fonts

In essence we are using only the levels folder form the BF2SFSP mod. Several tests showed that both day and night maps with gas mask, night vision etc. work just fine.

5) The problematic map highway-tampa should be replaced by which fixes bot path finding.

6) All BF2SFSP\Levels\map_name\ files which "map_name" is the same as in the mods\bf2\Levels\map_name can also be deleted, as the engine finds them at mods\bf2\Levels\map_name folder as does with all files on step 3) above, considering of course the help of step 4).

The above steps reduce the mod to only 1.2GB in zip format.

Good karma+3 votes
nikthegreekorig - - 17 comments @ Highway Tampa - 64 Coop

This version again has the problem at hills near the US base where a jeep with some bots going back and forward for one meter at the same spot but never continue to the rest of road. If another tank push that jeep from behind for a couple of meters the jeep gets unstuck. This happen many times but not all the times as I restart the map so the bots get different initial positions.

Good karma+3 votes
nikthegreekorig - - 17 comments @ ESAI

Install aka: in your mod folder. Don't touch your maps eg. levels folder. AI artillery working fine as it is. Change g_debug to 0 inside to disable the AI artillery log file.

Good karma+2 votes
nikthegreekorig - - 17 comments @ vBF2 Improved Info Map Generator Resources [for Python 3]

I can't see any difference between the two images. What I'm supposed to look there?

Good karma+2 votes
nikthegreekorig - - 17 comments @ Extreme Deathmatch Mod

At 1.4 mod inside map folder Arica_Harbor the>GameModes\gpm_coop\16\GamePlayObjects.con need to rem out all lines like "ObjectTemplate.addTemplate com_airdrop_ru" to avoid crash. Also Rush mode does not work, eg. you can't destroy the objectives. Other than that the map is OK.

At map crossfire\\gpm_coop\64\GamePlayObjects.con rem out all the following lines at the begging of the file.
aiSettings.overrideMenuSettings 1
aiSettings.setMaxNBots 20
aiSettings.setBotSkill 0.8
aiSettings.maxBotsIncludeHumans 0

sv.autoBalanceTeam 0
sv.teamRationPercent 100
sv.coopBotCount 15
sv.coopBotDificulty 80

eg. rem aiSettings.overrideMenuSettings 1 etc.

Inside Extreme_Deathmatch_Mod\settings folder create a file named ServerSettings.con like this to play on LAN:

sv.serverName "BF2"
sv.password ""
sv.internet 0
sv.serverIP ""
sv.serverPort 16567
sv.welcomeMessage "Extreme_Deathmatch_Mod"
sv.punkBuster 0
sv.allowFreeCam 0
sv.allowExternalViews 1
sv.allowNoseCam 1
sv.hitIndicator 1
sv.maxPlayers 32
sv.numPlayersNeededToStart 1
sv.notEnoughPlayersRestartDelay 15
sv.startDelay 10
sv.endDelay 10
sv.spawnTime 10
sv.manDownTime 10
sv.endOfRoundDelay 10
sv.ticketRatio 200
sv.roundsPerMap 1
sv.timeLimit 0
sv.scoreLimit 0
sv.soldierFriendlyFire 0
sv.vehicleFriendlyFire 0
sv.soldierSplashFriendlyFire 0
sv.vehicleSplashFriendlyFire 0
sv.tkPunishEnabled 1
sv.tkNumPunishToKick 3
sv.tkPunishByDefault 0
sv.votingEnabled 1
sv.voteTime 90
sv.minPlayersForVoting 1
sv.teamVoteOnly 1
sv.gameSpyPort 29900
sv.allowNATNegotiation 0
sv.interfaceIP ""
sv.autoRecord 0
sv.demoIndexURL http://
sv.demoDownloadURL http://
sv.autoDemoHook "adminutils/demo/rotate_demo.exe"
sv.demoQuality 1
sv.adminScript "default"
sv.timeBeforeRestartMap 10
sv.autoBalanceTeam 0
sv.teamRatioPercent 50
sv.coopBotRatio 50
sv.coopBotCount 16
sv.coopBotDifficulty 50
sv.voipEnabled 1
sv.voipQuality 3
sv.voipServerRemote 0
sv.voipServerRemoteIP ""
sv.voipServerPort 55125
sv.voipBFClientPort 55123
sv.voipBFServerPort 55124
sv.voipSharedPassword ""
sv.useGlobalRank 1
sv.useGlobalUnlocks 1
sv.sponsorText ""
sv.sponsorLogoURL ""
sv.communityLogoURL ""
sv.radioSpamInterval 6
sv.radioMaxSpamFlagCount 6
sv.radioBlockedDurationTime 30
sv.friendlyFireWithMines 0

As usual in BF2, some (all?) colors are way off the supposed normal values like RU sniper had black gun and some (all?) objects are over exposed to light while others like soldiers are almost dark.
Overall this HD mod is good and playable with 2GB RAM with 16 bots.

Good karma+1 vote
nikthegreekorig - - 17 comments @ Deathmatch mini mod

I made cursor_arrow.ani for this mod here ufile. io /9olsqgew
and here ttkgr as base64.

Good karma+1 vote
nikthegreekorig - - 17 comments @ Deathmatch mini mod

It's a good mod.
To make it run better on slow computers change
mods\superpack\AI\ as:

aiSettings.overrideMenuSettings 0
aiSettings.setMaxNBots 15
aiSettings.maxBotsIncludeHumans 0
aiSettings.setBotSkill 0.5

In LAN mode change mods\superpack\Settings\ServerSettings.con to
sv.numPlayersNeededToStart 1

Replace mods\superpack\Menu\External\FlashMenu\Cursor\cursor_arrow.ani with cursor_arrow.ani from BF2 mod because it is broken (although explorer display it no other program is able to open it). The same it also true on MVMOD.

Good karma+1 vote