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RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 37)

Lunar Descent

Mod review may contain spoilers

Great mod, loved all the custom textures and models!
I am not a real fan of story driven games, mods etc so there were quit a few parts, specially in the beginning that felt a bit dull to me. But that is just my personal opinion. Also was it sometimes hard to follow the full story completely because i couldn't hear it all to well. But that was not a real problem to me. That said, there were a few issues with it that i would like to mention. Again, most are probably my personal opinions;
-outdoor, fog looks a bit odd because there is no fog in skybox. would take fog out all together because the maps are not that big that it is needed out of renedering issues as far as i can see.
-at some places a large metal gate is blocking the way (road), but at some points you could walk past these gates, there is enough room there. Still, a inviseble brush blocks the way. Would be better to add something there so it also look as if you can;t get past the gates.`
-map c8 lunar square, the parts were the boms explode when your not in time disabling them are not really fair. Specially the part were you need to disable the bomb in the church building is not fair. Because you have to kill about 10 enemies that run out of the church in just 20 secs or so and disable the bomb. I tried at least 9 times and then i used god mode to get to the bomb in time.
-the bomb after the one in the church is even more unfair, it drove me really insane in a not good way. First i tried to find it about 10 times, i did hear it but could find it. Had to no clip to understand that it was not at the first floor on the left side in the first building but around 3 corners further down the street, were i had to kill i believe 3 groups of enemies. It took me about 15 times to succeed and i didn't use god mode simply because i wanted to see if it could be done. And, it can! But only when you run all the way and each shot kills a enemie, and you have to know EXACTLY were the bomb is. All in all i can only say that these parts are very unfair to the player and i am quit sure that most if not all players only experiece these parts as very unfair and very, very frustrating. As mapper myself i do understand why you made these parts as they are but as gamer i have to tell you that there simply no fun. Again, as mapper i do but as player i don't. Sorry.

After i wrote the part above i did read all the other comments here and it seems i am the only one who thinks this way so probably i am the only one who thinks so. Still, i am a very experienced player and love hard gameplay. Maybe it has to do with how i played the bomb parts. At first i did get killed a few times because the bombs went off. So then i started to run and shoot my way through them which was very hard and frustrating. Maybe you did place more then one triggers along the road which makes that you don't need to run but get a particular amount of time to kill each group of enemies. When i thought that the counter starts to count as soon as you have disabled the bomb before the one you start to do.
Liked the part in the final level with the woman although this was also very hard to complete and quit frustrating to me. But again, that is probably just personal. I love hard gameplay but hate enemies that you have to hit a not realistic amount of times to get rid of them. Again, it has probably all to do with personal taste. All in all it was a very enjoyeble experience and the overall mapping, modeling, texturing and animation was awesome.
Very well done!

All in all i give it a 8/10 because the art work is so very well done, as is the whole setup of the mod. I can't give it a 10 because of the enemie attacks not being very fair in my eyes as described above.



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