Professional game designer and programmer. Creator of some nifty mobile games such as Journey to Eden and Castle Defender. Currently studying computer sciences at Oulu University. I also do all kinds of writing and web architect, and I'm a really big fan of science, video games and technology. I handle a few programming, scripting and markup languages, such as C#, C, C++, Java, JavaScript, PHP, HTML, CSS and SQL just to name a few.

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More Cube World Suggestions

Mamlukey Blog
  • Fame-value, which affects how NPC's act towards you. Having high fame would cause them to adore you, and would unlock more difficult and heroic quests to complete. Just a nice little addition, I think.
  • The towns seem a little empty right now. NPC's aside from merchants are pretty much useless (once you know all the tips & tricks they share, anyway).
    • Arenas. Yes, arenas. Not PvP arenas, but an arena in the city where you can fight for money, items and other rewards. You can rise up in the ladder and defeat the current arena champion. Every city would have one champion that can be defeated. Once you become the champion, it unlocks some prestigious rewards in the town (bigger/better housing, NPC adoration, other privileges?).
    • Kingdoms and factions. I see towns and people everywhere, but no one to lead them? No nobility to boss the peasants around and act like snobs? Certain towns should have a castle, which basically has a king and his royal crew inside. If your fame is high enough, you are permitted to enter the castle and speak with the king. The quests given by the king would be much more difficult than regular ones, but would also be much more rewarding. An example would be to slay the king of another kingdom, thus becoming enemies with them, but the king you serve would name you a knight. When two kingdoms are at war, you would sometimes see their soldiers fighting in the world.
    • Gambling. Basically, in certain buildings (Inns or Taverns?) you can play some minigames for some extra pocket money and fame. Something like poker or just betting on a fight (fights between pets?).
  • Servants. Obviously, the player grows in strength all the time, and with more fame, money and power they should be able to recruit servants. With the housing planned, most of them would reside inside the house and do whatever is the master's bidding. This would allow more NPC interaction, as you would be able to appoint anyone to do a certain job for you. How about having a bunch of mercenaries follow you around? Not the same as a pet, more like a meat wall to not make you feel so lonely on your journey.
  • Pet training. Not sure if this is planned, but I know pet evolutions are coming. Pet training would be more like giving certain traits or skills to your pet. An NPC known as the Beastmaster would be able to teach a few tricks to your pet in exchange for money. The skills would be either passive or active, like a melee pet would be able to learn an AoE damaging skill like Warrior's Cyclone, for example. You can choose from many different skills, but your pet is only limited to only having a certain amount of skills at a time. The pet training system would allow players to create diverse builds that compensate their own characters.
  • Flying pets. Pets you can fly with. Hang Glider just isn't enough freedom. Should be an option for characters with a high riding skill.
  • Editable Environment. Mmm... edible environment. Sometimes you just wish that tree wasn't there, or that you could dig inside a mountain to see what manner of treasure it bears. Maybe I want to build a stairway to heaven? (Minecraft has this, but I don't see how it would hurt Cube World)
  • Bigger boats. And I'm not talking fishing boats, I'm talking frigates, galleys, battleships, etc. You could either have a computer operate it with a crew, or bring your friends via multiplayer to join the party. One person would steer the ship (the captain, so to say), while the others keep looking out or man the cannons. Then you get attacked by a giant sea creature and the whole crew has to work together as a team to beat it. I think it's a great multiplayer feature, although slightly complex.

Cube World - Combat Suggestions

Mamlukey Blog

I just bought the game recently and have been playing it pretty much every day since then for long periods of time in a small group. It's fun and full of action, but mainly the entertainment comes from the multiplayer component and the exploration for me. I also like the combat a lot, but see many things that can be changed for the better.

Taking note that some things are perhaps already planned, here's my quick thoughts on things to change for combat:

  • More stats. Right now we have some pretty confusing and seemingly insignificant stats like tempo and reg. There should be more variation, and each spec or class should utilize certain stats for added depth. I don't feel like this is a game that needs an overly simplified stat system, but more like very versatile character attributes, at least for higher levels.
  • Gear is terrible. You can't specialize towards anything right now. Every class has pretty much the same items, just different names, and every item has pretty much always the same stats. This gives no room towards making an unique character build or having some specific role in a multiplayer group for example. I think all gear should be universal, and that they all have different randomly generated stats, so you can pick and choose better what stats you want for your character.
  • Healing should be easier at lower levels. After running out of the potions you get at the starts, it can be difficult to find new ways to heal your character, especially for new players. The easiest way to get full health is to just kill yourself. Slow passive health regeneration and some long cooldown self-heals for each of the classes would make combat more seamless and fluid.
  • Healers are too potent. Pretty much every multiplayer party is dependant on them. Adding some way for each class to heal themselves would allow multiplayer groups to not force someone to play healer. Nobody should be forced to some certain role. Ever.
  • Dodging should also avoid damage from most spells and ranged projectiles. Right now, glass cannon melee builds get absolutely destroyed by any caster or archer. There's no way to mitigate the damage.
  • Melee classes are way too weak. They get destroyed in close combat, and can't keep up with ranged classes if they take aggro. Sometimes melee is only able to do damage with their gap closer ability, which isn't very efficient. There should be some passive damage reduction or increased defense for all melee classes, and increased aggro for gap closers and other abilities.

I didn't want to list obvious things such as "add more features" or "fix more bugs", this is more about gameplay and combat issues that I think should be fixed before they get out of hand. Basically just my two cents on the game so far. I see a lot of potential in it and want it to be even more fun in the future.