I have now raised to adult. I love all star wars games, but prefer old republic and the clone wars. But i also like eras later on in the time. I search mutch for old republic and clone wars. I love to study history, and also the machines that was used in the wars. I have big knowledge about machines and ships. I know most of the ships and Ground units, and i mostly know theyer week points. And what they are great at. I play Mutch RaW. Both ciS. And the Republic. Its where the knowledge of both sides and all theyer machines come in handy for me. Im easy to contact, and i have both sype and msn. So just ask me if you wana have one either of them. I am up for discusions smal talk, and game playing. And if you want me to post a machine on my wall just say, and i can tell something about them

RSS Reviews

Sins of a Galactic Empire

Mod review

Ultimate Battlefront: The Clone Wars

Mod review

This mod is a great addition for BF2. I love that it changes your units after each match. It has a littel to few for my taste, but it changes the game abit.
Also that the jedies cant block in order 66 rounds is a major fail for my taste, as the clones can win easily, there no challenge playing it as clones.

But all in all this mod is a great addition for the game, as give it some good changes.


Republic at War

Mod review

The Mod is the best to date of the clone wars mod´s.
The team has done werry mutch to make this mod as good as it is now, they have also been working werry long on it.
The first version is ofc abit unballanced, but the AI is perfect i wudt say, it gives really a challenge, you really have to use your head and plan a startegy, and the mod is so perfect in my eyes, ofc its not 100% ballanced, but until now the best mod for FoC in my eyes, and when the next version is coming it´s gona be mutch better, whit new units and some more ballancing :)