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I wrote a book !

GeneralJist Blog

So, after a long time coming, I have compiled a book of a lot of what I cared about, and what I've been doing with my life for the past decade.


The PPF Model

GeneralJist Blog

I'm writing more, but this is teh intro I have so far. Revised from a 2014 version.


PPF model Introduction

PPF stands for past present future. This is a model of personality, a general philosophy of life and a model of mental illness.

So, without further ado, here we go.

Imagine there are two anchors, but there are three places they can go.

The first is The Past: This includes everything you have learned, all your memories, your impressions of the people and things in your life.

The second is the Present: This includes what is going on at this moment, the sights, sounds, and everything you can sense and currently feel, including the specific and overall physical environment.

The third is the Future: This includes your plans, your creativity, your hopes, your dreams, your goals.

Take some time to reflect on your life, and ask yourself which of the three you feel most comfortable putting your anchors, in other words, if you could only pick two to focus on which do you, and have you generally preferred to deal with throughout your life. Which are you confident you can handle, coming at it from the other direction, which one are you most insecure, and worry about or neglect?

Now imagine the anchors start swinging, and collide, which have the potential to merge into a pendulum, which swings freely between all three. This will allow a person to learn from the past, listen to the present, and leave a legacy for the future. They can carry what they learned, apply it and move forward in a personal, collective and productive direction.

The goal and application of this model will first allow a person to identify how they naturally think. Second this model should help you to understand life in terms of categorizing things and concepts into past, present and future time zones. And third, this should allow for a basic understanding of other people.

There are six possible personality orientations each focusing on a dominant time zone. Each orientation indicates how a person generally likes to approach life. Once that is identified, they can start consciously and or sub consciously interact in their environments to make changes in themselves to get their desired outcomes by leveraging their strengths, improving their weaknesses. Which allows you to engage in social, professional, personal, romantic, and all types of relationships by finding people that help fill the gap and who are similar to you. In interacting with diverse Anchor Orientations (AO) you gain insights into yourself and into other people which can support you in forming a pendulum. This will allow you to help yourself and others through specific, as well as any type of difficult time. Done responsibly and genuinely, application of this model can improve your life and make you and the people you interact with effective, efficient, considerate, caring, confident and happy for the long run-in whatever situation you may find yourself. I know, a cosmic sized claim, and you may be skeptical, how can one person achieve all that? Stay tuned.

It is important to note that when one anchor has more pull on your life that can be positive and negative (I don't use good or bad since those terms and associations are subjective and sometimes judgmental), depending on what it specifically is. Furthermore, this book will cover potentially positive and potentially negative qualities of each AO, and that of the people who strive to form their pendulums. Unfortunately, In serious cases, natural imbalance can lead to signs and symptoms of mental illness if not corrected. this will be further displayed by categorization of terms, concepts and theories that reside in a combination of the Past, Present and Future.

So, I've been thinking for many years now that there should be a game design &modding; hub, with the express purpose of supporting the smaller devs be they hobbyists or indie.

A centralized resource area, linking people from all over, who are skilled and motivated in a common area. Allowing & supporting their developments.

In addition to conducting research in the fields, such as what models of payment in games are effective & ethical.

The following are brief excerpts from my design documentation that I have so far:

"0. Overview:
This organization exists as a central moding & game design community hub, regardless of project/ site affiliation, genre, or time zone. This service can be thought of as an online talent agency, hybridized with the online dating format.
-Connect game designers (all fields)& Communities together, (hobbyist or Indie) To each other on a global centralized scale.
-Foster a atmosphere of cooperation, rather than competition
-Conduct ongoing macro& micro cyber, social, organizational research.
-Apply & test above results ethically, honorably & respectfully.
-Educate individuals, teams, organizations, and communities of respective issues or processes.
-Promote and support the smaller hobbyist projects
-Retain respective team, project, site, organization sovereignty."

(I'm still working on a mission statement)

"1. Education & Research Department-Code name: The Archive
This department involves the logging of resources, educating in the respective field(s) , and further research & analysis of game design, respective individuals, communities, and model application effects.
Fields include, but not limited to: History of technology, Social psychology, Personality psychology, Organizational/ Industrial psychology, computer science, IT, Informatics, marketing"

"2. Logistics Department- Code name: The Gear Machine
This department will have the goal and provision of organizing individuals & projects into appropriate categories, and facilitate their connections.
Fields include, but not limited to: Management, I/O psychology, HR , Recruiting, Communications, Networking, Website hosting/ management/ creation, Business, Informatics, IT"

"3. News department- code name: The Spotlight
This department has the overall goal of assisting in promoting communities from an opt in basis. This specifically means creation of in game lore/ story content, such as first person perspective narratives done in audio, visual, and written formats in an effort to expand the reach of teams, mods & indie projects.
Fields include, but not limited to: Radio, TV, Youtube, Social networking, PR, Audio & Video editing, Streaming, Twitch, Creative writing, Narrative, FX, Wikis, Esports? "

I've been told I need to gauge the market for such a service, as well as develop a formal business model.

I'm in the process of fleshing out the documentation & initial feedback.

It would be a massive undertaking, and If done, I want to make sure it's done right.
Other hybrid analogies include:
-Traffic directors
-counselors/ consultants
I'd really appreciate any feedback & critical analysis on the proposal.

THREAD TITLE: Tiberium Secrets - A CnC3 modification; HELP WANTED


Greetings reader,

The Tiberium Secrets development team is looking for assistance with modifying the Command and Conquer 3 engine. (Would require owning a copy of the game.)

From 3D artists (3ds max 9 is de facto, individuals with more recent versions may not work or will have to send work to one of our members with Max 9 )), animators, coders (XML , project coordination and public Relations. All positions are open.

If you have experience with computer coding elements that can help with getting content playable in-game, have FX experience, and 3D rendering/ rigging/ animation experience among any other skills, please contact Eric "General Jist" Chou [ ] with how you might be able to help.

Note: we utilize Skype (to actively communicate), Dropbox (to share files), and Google Docs (to hold documentation and collaborate on such) while working on TIberium Secrets. For additional information on the project, please see: [ ]

Thanks for your time,
Eric C. and Chad W.

Looking for Dedicated XML coder
Greetings, we are looking for a coder who is familiar with XML and would be willing to work with or better yet, has experience working with Command and Conquer 3 sage engine. (Would require owning a copy of the game) Someone who is able to script and manipulate existing code.
We use Skype dropbox, and google docs to share and communicate information
TIberium secrets mod project:

Thanks for your time.

The Design of The Artificial Systematic Intelligence (ASI)
(The Following is an exerpt from the Tiberium Secrets Design Draft Document)

The ASI possesses a distinctive Egyptian design, mixed with futuristic technological and mechanical styles. They heavily believe in drawing from the older human religions’ concepts of immortality and the purity of the mind.

Their aim of Ascension is through the use of technology, not Tiberium, which is where ASIM split from the Brotherhood of Nod.For all their belief in the purity of the ingenuity of man, they have transcended their biological flesh, and willingly integrated their consciousness with that of their own messiah of sorts, ASIM, their leading Artificial Intelligence.

Created by five scientists from the Black Hand, who offers immortality and hierarchal power through vast amounts of dark technology and the “cyberazation” of one’s consciousness.

Upon entering the visible world stage an enormous city-sized complex was erected in North Africa, a towering machine fortress-like monastery closed off to the outside. From it marches a sleepless army that under ASIM’s leadership does not regard Tiberium with importance for the future, but has its sights set on something far greater for mankind.

* Transformation:
This transformation must be voluntary, but once turned down, will never be offered again. There are ASI missionaries who will go and offer their deal or no deal to the populations of the world.
-Also the implications of neurons as a power source for the AI.

* Faction Represents:
The ASI represents the quest for immortality through technology (literal, physical and spiritual) as well as the implications of these technologies. Furthermore, they can embody the development and use of technology that is not fully understood by mankind, as well as how in the modern age, man has grown reliant on their technological creations.

* Theme/ Design Base:
- Egyptian; Gothic; Futuristic; Mechanical

* Important Technologies:
- Robotics/ Computer Systems
- Pulse Lasers
- Dark Matter/ Anti-Matter
- Light
- Electricity
- Nanites

* Further Faction Details:
- Terrestrial Force: High Strength, Conventional
- Aerial Force: Mid Strength, Support
- Preferred Warfare Doctrine(s): Symmetric, Ground Supremacy

Welcome Back Commander,

We are indeed working to get back in gear,
please be just a little more patient with us as we do asset and personnel inventory, once that is complete, we will have an official News update.

Future Tester status has been granted to Colers, Oaks, and Wunderkind for their efforts in keeping the hard core community alive during our hiatus of 9 months.

For the time being, I'll be coordinating all recruitment efforts, so if you have a skill and time to dedicate, please shoot me a pm.

We will review applications on an as needed basis, and experience working with C&C3 Sage engine is a huge plus, but not a requirement as of now.

Thank you all for baring with us, it may take some time to pick up the pace again, but we will return.

In modified words of salvadore Trogen of the Forgotten mod: The Future is to be invented, make sure you're the ones inventing.

Hey guys, There are a few Secrets updates that are worth noting:

1. I New ASI story released:

2. ASI Anti Structure Needed:

3. Another thing is we are looking for another 3D Artist to join the team, please pm me to discuss the specific requirements. -
-Project Coordinator of Tiberium Secrets

Hey guys, thought you guys would be interested to know that the Tiberium SSecrets forums has been reorganized:

In addition, we will likely be offering closed Beta access to all those who actively participate in fostering a creative environment.

Furthermore we will be releasing exclusive content that will not be shown outside the forums, and or will be works shown before official updates.

I will be posting the 1st official story for the ASI very soon in the "Sneak peek" section under developments.

here it is:

Thanks for your time guys,
this is General Jist, writer & PR manager

Hello world, I have a proposition...

The following is not specifically about Tiberium Secrets.

Anyways, was recently thinking of creating a gaming union/ association, where gamers and particularly game designers from artists to coders to writers, etc.from any and all gaming communities would gather and discuss their work in a volp mediated environment which fosters creativity.

This organization would have the goal of improving the standards of gaming, helping people to hone their skills, informing the community, and potentially expand to educational purposes.

The infrastructure is currently being discussed by Team speak Devs which I've suggested to them an idea for Bridge channels, which allows multiple servers to connect in a singular channel. this will make this more feasible. (All of that is contingent on them, and still TBD)

Hopefully soon the foundations will be in place and the Game design union can get organized,

Please contact me if your interested here or on Skype, (have the same name) so we can talk and work out the logistics.

The primary requirement are:
1. have a skill related to design/ organization on any level
2. be interested in learning and being creative
3. able and interested in communication, team work, and collaboration across clans/ teams/ organizations/ communities etc.

Right now I'm still testing the waters, to see who is interested, I expect ripples.
Initial responses have been positive so far. And hopefully this will translate to support when it's needed.

This organization will respect freedom and autonomy, and will render merges unnecessary.

Hope you guys will join me in channeling the gaming community in one vision and one purpose.