A retired ham sandwich builder and failed electronic musician

RSS Reviews

Metropolitan Mayhem

Mod review

Excellent mod, especially for people who like the urban-themed maps of the original game (or urban-themed maps in general).

Nice callbacks to the original game, and the mod is enticing enough for many a playthrough. My main fault with this mod would be the last few levels (starting from Derailing), where the in-game mood sort of shifts and while the quality of the archi remains good and constant, the levels themselves feel odd comparison to the first 3/4ths of the mod. Regardless, a highly recommended mod for every Duke3D player!


Duke Nukem Forever 2013

Mod review

Fantastic! Far more enjoyable than the new 5th episode included in the 20th Anniversary Edition of Duke3D (which wasn't that bad, but still worse in comparison to this).

A couple of highlights: What really got me hooked to Duke Nukem 3D back in the day were the city levels, and the urban levels in this mod are stunning, logical and exactly something that I'd have wanted to play back in the day. The bike riding sequences were also a lot of fun (in the DLC levels as well), even with my dreadful vehicle control skills.

And I liked how the ending of this mod made A LOT more sense than the ending to DNF itself. :]

All in all, this mod will definitely be something that I'll play through right after the Atomic Edition when I'm doing such chronological playthroughs - a shame that it took me this long to play this mod to begin with!

On the minus side, a lot of the voice acting audio was low in volume and had a bit too much noise reduction going on. I also wish I could use my current monitor's native resolution of 2560x1440 with this mod (that said, while all of a sudden I'm able to select that resolution - at first even that wasn't possible - the screen goes crazy if I do so).


Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith Remastered

Mod review

As with Jedi Knight Remastered, as an all-in-one installer it works as it should and removes the need for separate "install MotS and then mods A, B and three quarters of C" steps. Excellent work!

A shame that as of this writing, all the MotS assets have not been remade in the same way as Jedi Knight's have been - here's hoping we'll get those assets remade as well at some point in the future.


Jedi Knight Remastered

Mod review

With the plethora of unofficial patches and hi-res asset mods available for Jedi Knight, in 2020 we have finally reached the point where you only need the following to play the game with the latest bells and whistles:

1) A copy of Jedi Knight
2) An installer for all the patches and advancements

Excellent work, GeneralTantor!


Life of Grismath

Mod review may contain spoilers

A prime example in showing what can be done with the engine of Jedi Knight if it weren't so old, buggy and immediately-surpassed-by-Quake-2. It's got creative and fun adventure-game-like mechanics, a nice dose of humor and fun gameplay (even though the major forcefield puzzle took me bloody long to figure out, but that's probably just me!).

Even though you don't need to have been editing JK since time immemorial to enjoy this one, having done so definitely gives an additional layer to this level pack.

Special note goes to the custom visuals in the form of Galactopticon characters (remaining low-key in classic JK-style while still looking unique and refreshing), definitely makes one wish to see more of them!

And I'm more than glad that it recycled one of my most favorite bits from the earlire Life of Grismath releases:

You ... NIMBUS!


Star Wars Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith

Game review

Without this game, I would have never got into the Jedi Knight games, as I played the demo of MotS first in spring 1998. I always thought it was a nice (spiritual) sequel to the Thrawn trilogy, packed with lovely Star Wars (EU) continuity elements.

There are times when I rate MotS higher than JK itself, and at the moment this is one of those times. An underrated Star Wars gem.


Terminus Machina

Mod review

The best DX mod that there ever has been and (possibly very likely) will ever be. Innovative and fun once you get the hang of it.