All of the thanks to goes to Carnius for a great mod, I am thankful that you are kind enough to make this for me and the rest of the CNC community, without caring about any kind of pay or reimbersment. I and, I believe the rest of the CNC community really just want to say, THANKS CARNIUS! and thank you for coming to TEF.

Forum Thread
Possible Tech Structures for TE (Groups : Tiberium Essence Fans : Forum : General Tiberium Essence Ideas : Possible Tech Structures for TE) Locked
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Feb 6 2013 Anchor
Ever since Carnius revealed his new tech structure (Tacitus Archive), I've been thinking of the possibility of even more beneficial tech structures. I've played some TS again a month ago and I've come up with some ideas and suggestions of worthwhile structures I would love to see again for TE (but possibly with Carnius' updated functions and appearances). Not only will these suggestions pay homage to TS, but I do think these would be fun and useful in a game, because I like tech structures that offer additional abilities and strategies for players in a game. Keep in mind, any suggestions made don't have to be for the next release, but if Carnius is interested, he can make them for when he chooses. Here are some I've thought about and can definitely see working for TE.

Description: Originally called Civilian Hospital in TS. Not only will this medical structure be helpful for its intended purpose, but for those who make maps with missions can provide us with interesting objectives using this building, or with any of the new tech structures for that matter (a Rescue Tratos scenario, just as an example).
Support Power: (Medical Kits) to instantly and completely heal all infantry within a selected radius, excluding epic infantry; has cool down; infantry can go into the Hospital to heal too (just like infantry going into a barracks).
For Consideration: The reason for this type of ability, instead of slow rate of healing for all injured units across the map (just like in RA2), is so units that heal in tiberium won't become OP and also so GDI Medics and certain upgrades won't become completely useless/pointless. Also, in addition to ability, possibly have all infantry units have a higher resistance to tiberium radiation for as long as Hospital is in control.

Service Depot
Originally a structure that could be built for GDI in TS for healing vehicles. This is mainly to bring back the memory and nostalgia of the octagon-shaped Service Depot that has been with us in TS (let alone some other c&c titles), and so I don't think it should suddenly disappear on us in c&c3, even if it's no longer needed in the building queue. So as a way to bring it back, I think it'll be great as a tech structure that will have similar benefits as the Hospital's, but for vehicles. And since it could be its own tech structure now, making it more complex looking than just a pad would be favorable (perhaps it could have a building overlooking the pad, kinda like how it is with GDI's Orbital Deployment Center).
Support Power: (Field Repairs.. or.. Nanotech Repairs) to instantly and completely heal all vehicles within a selected radius, excluding epic vehicles; has cool down; vehicles can also go onto the service pad to heal by the robotic arm(s) (just like infantry going into a barracks).
For Consideration:
If it will not work for vehicles to "enter" on top of the pad (due to engine limitations), possibly give this structure 3 repair drones that will hover over the pad and will heal any nearby vehicles/air units (or perhaps something different than the drones for a change, such as 1-3 operating robot arms that'll extend outward and look similar to the arm used at the Allies' Service Depot in RA2). Also, in addition to ability, possibly have all ground vehicles have a higher resistance to veinhole weeds for as long as Service Depot is in control.

Array Station
Originally called Civilian Array in TS that served mainly for mission objectives. It would look great and very fitting if Carnius wanted to use the design of EA's large radar structure (just recolored so it looks like a neutral tech structure and do away with that unnecessary segment of wall behind it), or if he just wanted to design a new structure, that's fine too!
Support Power: (Battlefield Scan) to reveal the whole battlefield for a limited time (10seconds), but the scan does not reveal stealth units; has cool down; structure has med-high LOS.
For Consideration: It seems logical to possibly move the MSA from the mutant camp to here, as a limited reinforcement unit; if not, maybe this structure can detect stealth. Also, possibly slightly decrease the chances that a random crate will reveal the full map, making this structure more desirable (I've had 2 of these crates in a half-hour game before).

Fortified Armory
Description: Originally called Civilian Armory in TS . I don't think it should necessarily be labeled as a civilian structure, but it can't be called just Armory either (so that we can differentiate it from GDI's Armory).
Support Power: (Veteran Training) to rank up vehicles and infantry within a selected radius, excluding epic units; the training from this ability is unstackable; has cool down; this would pretty much require that the Veteran Training ability be removed from GDI, so that this armory will be unique and desirable, and then have a different ability to fill in the gap that is just as suitable for GDI.
For Consideration: If possible to code, possibly allow only infantry units to enter this building and eventually exit with a single veteran upgrade, excluding epic infantry and any infantry with some veterancy already (this structure/ability is only intended for units that have no experience, otherwise it's likely it will be OP).

EMP Control Center
Originally called EMP Cannon and could be built by GDI and Nod in TS as a limited defense weapon. Personally, I am just fine with the base of this structure as it is now, but what I would like to see get replaced are those 4 antennas to something that appears more like a cannon, like how it was in TS and for continuity with his Mobile EMP (has a cannon). When the ability is ready and selected to target an area on the map, for its animation, the cannon can be seen rotating from pointing sideways to upward and then fires the EMP.
Support Power: Keep the support power the same, but just change its firing animation so that it would be suitable for its new cannon.
For Consideration: In addition to ability, assuming the top is changed to a cannon, possibly give this structure the capability to better defend itself, by allowing it to fire (small radius) EMP blasts at nearby enemy ground vehicles (but the EMP effects shouldn't last long and it should have a relatively slow rate of fire, just so long as it's not OP). I'm fine either way if its name is kept how it is now, or reverted back to "EMP Cannon".

Naval Yard
Description: These structures will be already placed by map-makers in the map partly on top of water and also partly on land (so naval units can exit it and also so engineers can capture it, unless there's a better method). Just like with the Tacitus Archive, depending which faction you are, certain naval units will be exclusive/available for you. I think this idea will work very well (as opposed to having it normally in the building queue, because not all maps will have available water for this structure anyway) and this way it will also keep respect to the Tiberian Lore (where you couldn't normally build any naval units), unlike the Red Alert lore (where you normally could). Furthermore, I can imagine it being a real pain/issue trying to place this structure on the water or land (or partly both) for this game's engine anyway. So let the map builders decide when it's necessary (or not) to have naval units in their map via worldbuilder.
Ability: Can build some naval vehicles/units for each faction (at least 1-2 unique assault units and at least 1 support unit; so depending on what Carnius will decide for their overall weaponry/abilities, that will determine how many total units each faction should have available to build - possibly averaging at 3 units each); this structure can help repair nearby naval units; also, the abilities from other tech structures should be able to affect these naval units, such as the Service Depot's ability and Fortified Armory's ability.
Potential Units: (keep in mind that any naval unit will most likely have to be rescaled appropriately for gameplay and to fit on maps - just like it helped that the naval units in the Red Alert games were rescaled - so the largest naval unit might be just a little larger than the Kodiak, at most) Here are some rough draft ideas:
- a destroyer that can hammer naval units or things on land, with some anti-air too (could use EA's "GDIBattleship", but overall scaled smaller and a lot of design tweaking)
- an aircraft carrier naval unit that'd spawn 2-4 super-sonic air units (think of the Allied naval aircraft carrier in RA2), or it could act just like an Airfield in sea and can build/support 2-4 air units, either Orca Fighter/Bomber/Firehawk (could use EA's "GDICarrier", but overall scaled smaller, with the front-end shortened a lot and possibly some other design tweaking)
- a hovercraft as a transport (could use EA's "GDIHovercraft", with possibly some design tweaking).
- the Nod version and future version of the Sea Shadow pretty much it'd be the naval version of the stealth tank with similar attack capabilities.
- another kind of destroyer unit that's good against vehicles (could use EA's "NOD_Battleship", but overall scaled down smaller with some design tweaking)
- another type of naval transport.
Scrin: possibly...
- some sort of squid/floater-like unit (inspired by M0nkfish)
- a squad of smallish sea units that "eat" through the hulls of other naval units
- some sort of alien naval transport that might have weapons.
For Consideration: depending on the size/strength/weaponry/abilities of certain naval units, possibly have specific building caps for certain units, just for balance and to keep things from being OP; possibly allow this structure to repair nearby land and air vehicles too.

CABAL's Cyborg Lair
Description: This structure is a remnant of CABAL. I would love it if Carnius used the structure "GDI_DefensiveGridBuilding" as CABAL's Cyborg Lair (just recolored/retextured so it doesn't look like it was made by GDI), or if he just wanted to design a new one that appears more like it's in ruins, that's fine too! This manufacturing facility (tech structure) is still standing and has been abandoned, but inside are still some secrets and useful information for re-activating a unique cyborg unit (and possibly some other related units) from here. These units were once produced by CABAL, so with caution, these are re-activated/"awakened" and re-programmed to do the bidding of the player who controls this structure. This is probably the only reasonable way we can see playing with some CABAL units in TE.
Ability: Can build the basic cyborg infantry squad seen in KW (The Awakened), except areas on it may be edited visually (still keeping its MG and EMP abilities).
For Consideration: Possibly move the Destroyer Cyborgs from the the Tacitus Archive to be built here as an additional unit (except the powerful arm weapons must be changed to have basic anti-tank cannons/lasers, but the "Obelisk of Darkness" concept for anti-air should be kept), then come up with another interesting and useful unit for Nod that'll be available at the Tacitus Archive, such as a Montauk-type of unit or Fist of Nod/battle base hybrid; I didn't mind its current name "Destroyer Cyborg", but some fans were interested in a new (original) name, so maybe "Cyborg Legionnaire" or just "Legionnaire" (this name is fitting for its role, plus, it kinda gives the hint this is a predecessor of "Legion"). Also, possibly bring back EA's Venom (a small but sophisticated air unit that definitely looks like it was fabricated by the machines of CABAL) and let it be a basic aircraft that can be built and exits the top of the Cyborg Lair; if not EA's Venom design, then either version of Carnius' Venom/Harpy that isn't used for Nod could also work. Another possible name for this tech structure is "CABAL's Manufacturing Lair" (if it's able to build more than just a cyborg infantry) or "Ruin of CABAL", or any other good ideas.

Reinforcement Drop Zone / Reinforcement Pad
Description: Inspired by this forum towards the end of pg1 and the RA2 Tech Airport. This is a reinforcement-supplying tech structure which automatically drops off reinforcements in 'X' amount of time for as long as the player has it captured and in control. The time set will be the same for all factions and balanced, depending on what all is decided for the reinforcement(s). It would be great if Carnius completely redesigned most of EA's Reinforcement Bay structure (its overall design doesn't look good for its function anyway) to accommodate a suspended landing platform on top of the structure - the VTOL craft lands on it, wait a second or two as the unit(s) travel down the large elevator shaft to the bottom (not seen), then we see the door at the bottom open and the reinforcement(s) exit. I like this design idea because it'll then be unique compared to GDI's Orbital Deployment Center.
Ability: Automatically deploys free faction-specific unit(s) at the structure at a constant (30sec - 2min) amount of time (remember: this is not a support power where you click to have the reinforcements dropped anywhere on the map).
For Consideration: This could possibly deploy infantry only, vehicle only, or a balance of both; if Carnius doesn't already have plans for it, possibly have his version of the Predator Tank return as a reinforcement for GDI here (and something else for Nod and Scrin); if it's possible, it'd be a good idea to have a faction-specific dropship/craft, depending on whichever faction the player is in control (because it might look strange to see Scrin units exiting a human craft).

Please feel free to comment and offer your ideas about these tech structures, or about the already existing tech structures, or about an original tech structure you can think of that'd be desirable and hasn't been discussed in another thread.

Edited by: .Mac.

Feb 8 2013 Anchor

Nice thinking into the ideas. The hospital idea sure is a good idea. .Mac, tell me what you think for an added part to it. Add some more of the Kane's Wrath units to the mod, and just add more to the cyborg lair with the Marked of Kane units in the lair. I think also would be awesome is that the Nod Commando should be redone, and the voice of the Commando should sound like Natasha from Red Alert 3. And the Array Station sounds like a throwback to the Tiberian Sun days and the Tiberian Dawn days of the early Command and Conquer. .Mac, I like how you think. Combining new school and old school ideas into a mod like Tiberium Essence, I say, keep the ideas coming.

Feb 8 2013 Anchor

viperdx wrote: Nice thinking into the ideas. The hospital idea sure is a good idea. .Mac, tell me what you think for an added part to it. Add some more of the Kane's Wrath units to the mod, and just add more to the cyborg lair with the Marked of Kane units in the lair. I think also would be awesome is that the Nod Commando should be redone, and the voice of the Commando should sound like Natasha from Red Alert 3. And the Array Station sounds like a throwback to the Tiberian Sun days and the Tiberian Dawn days of the early Command and Conquer. .Mac, I like how you think. Combining new school and old school ideas into a mod like Tiberium Essence, I say, keep the ideas coming.

Thank you for your comment :)

Well if there's anything from KW that Carnius sees fit to import to TE (with perhaps some of his modifications, for the better), I'd have no problem with that as long as he had a reasonable purpose for it (not just for the sake of adding it), so that's all up to him :) I only suggested The Awakened because I think its model actually looks suitable for this role I had in mind, and it's different compared to the cyborg squad Nod already has (especially its unique legs - those look like it was designed by CABAL). Same with EA's Venom craft, it also looked suitable and interesting enough to be a CABAL air unit. Or instead of EA's Venom, another idea is if Carnius gives CABAL one of his Venom/Harpy versions and then gives Nod the other version; no matter who he decides gets which version/design (personally, I could support it either way), I'd only suggest that either EA's design or his version 2 be called "Venom", and his version 1 is kept as "Harpy".

As for adding more cyborgs to the Cyborg Lair, I'd be okay with a few units but just keep in mind there shouldn't be too many, because this is just a (tech) structure that offers some helpful unit(s) as support, just like the Mutant Mercenary Camp is too :) So at this ruin, I'd be fine with something like one cyborg infantry (Awakened Cyborg Squad aka The Awakened), one vehicle-type unit (Cyborg Legionnaire aka Destroyer Cyborg), and one air unit (Harpy/Venom); again, if his Destroyer Cyborg were moved to here (weapons should be edited so it isn't OP), not only does it look very fitting as a CABAL unit, but that'd open a doorway for another unique and suitable vehicle we might like to see fill in the gap at the Archive for Nod (such as a Montauk-type vehicle or Fist of Nod/Battle Base hybrid). I just think one way or another, we'd all like to see at least some units/remnants/ruins of CABAL in TE, because he was kinda a big deal in TS 8)

Again, I'm not expecting Carnius to accomplish any of these tech buildings for the next release, I just wanted to get these ideas down sooner than later while it was still freshly organized in my mind :) But if he were interested and has available time, I think Carnius should certainly try these out sometime :thumbup:

Edited by: .Mac.

Feb 9 2013 Anchor

Good ideas:)

Feb 10 2013 Anchor

Its nice to see that you and I are on the same page about the EMP Control Center Mac. Adds more nostalga while still works like TW's EMP Control Center.

About CABAL's Cyborg Lair, make Core Defender buildable. :P But keep it balance of course.


"No keys? No problem.."

Feb 10 2013 Anchor

Hijacker wrote: Its nice to see that you and I are on the same page about the EMP Control Center Mac. Adds more nostalga while still works like TW's EMP Control Center.

Yep, for me it's not that I think the EMP Control Center is currently terrible looking, I'd just prefer a cannon on top for continuity and nostalgia too :)

Hijacker wrote: About CABAL's Cyborg Lair, make Core Defender buildable. :P But keep it balance of course.

:D This might be a contraversial topic to some. Some might love to see it return as a playable unit, while others might think it should be left alone and it's enough that Carnius paid homage to it with his new design of Nod's Avatar. This idea might need its own topic or at least discussed here If Carnius were to somehow re-introduce The Core as a standing structure, then perhaps it would be suitable and work as a tier 3.5 epic unit, anything less than that it'd be bastardized. I don't know how I'd feel about it at this point, to be honest. But for now I can definitely see the Core Defender as a destroyed ruin from Firestorm as eye candy though, laying on the ground face up so we can clearly identify what it was :thumbup:

How'd you feel about the other structures Hijacker? Would you suggest anything different on those, or do they appear fine and might be curious to see those also?

Feb 11 2013 Anchor

.Mac. wrote:

Hijacker wrote: About CABAL's Cyborg Lair, make Core Defender buildable. :P But keep it balance of course.

:D This might be a contraversial topic to some. Some might love to see it return as a playable unit, while others might think it should be left alone and it's enough that Carnius paid homage to it with his new design of Nod's Avatar. This idea might need its own topic or at least discussed here If Carnius were to somehow re-introduce The Core as a standing structure, then perhaps it would be suitable and work as a tier 3.5 epic unit, anything less than that it'd be bastardized. I don't know how I'd feel about it at this point, to be honest. But for now I can definitely see the Core Defender as a destroyed ruin from Firestorm as eye candy though, laying on the ground face up so we can clearly identify what it was :thumbup:

Lol true. I wasn't entirely serious when I suggest it. Was in a hurry when I posted that.
As for the others, well all of them seems good. The only thing left is if Carnius accepts them or not. :)

Edited by: C&C_Burger


"No keys? No problem.."

Aug 10 2013 Anchor

Some very good ideas here only things i'm not too sure on is the structure used for promoting units this seems a little unneccessary, and the "Array Station" due to balance concerns (it seems a cool idea though) & the fact that i like the MSA where it is. Re: naval units see more suggestions here: . Reintroducing hospitals is a great idea (though i already managed to do this in worldbuilder 8) ). i like the idea of reintroducing the service depot as a neutral structure with some modifications and also +1 for your suggestions on redesigning the current EMP Center. Love the idea of the reinforcement drop zone, but i'd use a Chinook rather than a VTOL craft (for nostalgia and faction neutrality reasons) and i'd also have the Predator Tank be for all factions reskined to apear factionless (as its pretty much a generic tank - maybe with some AA capability, maybe not) rather than having a specific unit for each faction. This reduces balancing issues and insures everyones "reinforcements" are the same strength it also solves the problem of wierldly having scrin units using human style aircraft & building, imo this building should produce no infantry, just Predators.

Re: CABAAL i agree with the idea of reintoducing the Awakened here, and i do think that the redesigned rounder Version 2 Harpy/Venom has a better home here than with the brotherhood (but only have this buildable after the player has an operations center or equivalent structure). But let me throw some other CABAAL based suggestions your way too: perhaps we could reintroduce the Mantis unit from KW instead of rehoming the Destroyer cyborg or a variant to CABAAL here, it seems quite fitting and robotic - it could be made to be anti-tank and anti-air in this new incarnation. Also i'd suggest that when a player has a tech center they are able to build the following structures, which can only be placed around CABAAL's building - similar to the way nod turrets have to be placed within a certain radius of their hub :- 1) Obelisk of Darkness - same size and function as the obelisk of light but anti-air only (cannot be "overcharged" by the basalisk) Costs 3000. 2) Core - this Power Hungry and Expensive (5000-6000) structure enables you to build the (somewhat weakened - balanced) Core Defender (unit itself would have a similar cost to the upgraded mammoth MK II).

.Mac. wrote: :D This might be a contraversial topic to some. Some might love to see it return as a playable unit, while others might think it should be left alone and it's enough that Carnius paid homage to it with his new design of Nod's Avatar... If Carnius were to somehow re-introduce The Core as a standing structure, then perhaps it would be suitable and work as a tier 3.5 epic unit, anything less than that it'd be bastardized.

The Idea or resurrecting the Core Defender in the way stated above would be for those who like the KW Redeemer (i personally did not) this would be a way of introducing something similar at a significant cost/build time. I wouldnt really say the new avatar is that similar to the Core Defender's design (i've never really made the connection), i'd just say its a more intelligent design than EA's spindly improbable mech. I would have thought that the brotherhood would want to put the whole embarrassing CABAAL affair behind them, not have constant reminder of it on the battlefield - to me the new Avatar is just a representation of Kane's presence on the battlefield (lets forget about the traitor Marcion) and no real relation to the Core Defender.

Also i'd like to suggest that any and all units produced from CABAAL's Structure have a similar "face" to the old Core Defender (instead of a "cockpit" for example) and that all units from CABAAL's structure speak with CABAAL's voice (to show there is a piece of him inside them). [it shouldnt be hard to find lots of samples of this voice i'd heard his voice used at some laser-tag arenas as the computer]

Edited by: M0nkfish

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